Re: is possible to do this with the module weblinks??

You can use weblinks block for this purpose. You may set for example "latest links" or "top" or etc, and set the position as you like. If you want to be shown only one or two link, just set your prefer in block settings. You can set also, on which page to be (appears) this block.

Re: Publisher 1.0 Final ready for testing

Thank you Mamba very much!
Everything was fine with update
Cheers :)

Re: Publisher 1.0 Final ready for testing

Hi Mamba :)
Everything working fine on 2.5.5 (even rating) The only thing is that "without approve" for anonymous not working and link "submit" in xoops_version.php not shown although the perm setting for anonymous are set to "yes" (can submit, but the link is missing)
And little other - there is no "switch language" and we must edit english folder.
But these is ok, everything is fine :)

But accidentally or not i must update to more secure ver like 2.5.6
I had the worst attack i ever seen...really - over thousand different ips, Since i have sites never seen something like this

Sorry for stupid question, but what you recommend for update. Instal absolutely clean version and than set my other files, or replace existing installation files. What will be better?


Re: Publisher 1.0 Final ready for testing

10x Mamba :)
I expected "heavy" (for me) answer like yours but im not ready yet, some day... There is one of mine modules - weblinks, and its a little buggy on 2.5.6
At the moment i will looking for old stable version of publisher, and i hope to update soon to 2.5.6, at least because of fixing security issues (as you say)

Re: Publisher 1.0 Final ready for testing

Hi guys!
I would like to use this nice module for blog. I have 2.5.5, but the latest version say that i need from 2.6.6
In my little test (on 2.5.5), the only thing that does not work is article rating.
What should you recommend for me - install old version, fully compatible with 2.5.5 or (if the article rating no problem for my blog) keep this latest version. Im not sure for future problems except the ratings, if they appears...

Re: Stop Spam in its Tracks! Xortify 4.11 for XOOPS 2.5 & 2.6

I have a blank page when replace 3 files from xoopsform folder.
Can I have latest protector version? Im with xoops 2.5.5 and php 5.3
I tried many time to instal this module but really no luck.
Is there a detailed guide now to install and use this useful module?

10x a lot for this hard work

Re: Issue with block template compilation

I think you have still block cache. Check if you turn on cache on the specific block.
You'r delete smarty compile, but its not enough. You must delete smarty and maybe xoops cache or better use option in admin menu - maintenance to clear all
And check prophylactic for module cache too

Re: Xoops News Module - Disable Space as delimiter

In module tag, folder language/english (if yours):

file: config.php
change this line
$GLOBALS["tag_delimiter"] = array(","" ""|"";");

with this
$GLOBALS["tag_delimiter"] = array(",""|"";");

In module tag, folder include:
change line
$customConfig["tag_delimiter"] = array(","" ""|");

$customConfig["tag_delimiter"] = array(",""|");

in plugin.php
change line
$customConfig["tag_delimiter"] = array(","" ""|"";");

$customConfig["tag_delimiter"] = array(",""|"";");

in functions.ini.php
change line
return array(","" ""|"";");

return array(",""|"";");

Just remove empty tag/space " "

For me its working, but search function is better when we have a single word

Re: How to add new module in xoBile

No i havent. But no problem, Im done :) There was problem with $replacements

Good module but maybe i need of something other...this one can replace only text :(

How to add new module in xoBile

Hi guys :)
Im trying to add new module in mobile xoops module xoBile, but I had error every time when the code getting info from plugins/new-module/read.php

I think i setting everything correct (perfix, databases, tables and etc), but there is a problem in second phase.

In first phase (getting info from title, lid, storyid...etc) there is no problem, the titles shows correct, but in second (when must get info from description table in each id) there is error every time (in any new module)
Seems like some kind permission problem (im not sure)

The module is good, but there is too little modules inserted

Ill be thankful also if you are refer to me best and convenient for xoops way to create simple mobile version

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