Issue with block template compilation
  • 2013/7/29 15:03

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12


I have an issue with template compilation with only one module.

I've made some modifications to a block template, but I always see the old template.

- The "Check templates for modifications" is set to yes.
- I've deleted all the "Smarty compile" folder content
- I've deleted the corresponding entries in the "tplsource" and "tplfile" database tables (even if the content was the new one)
- I've updated the module

After all of that, the block I see is always the old one. Every other module pages and other blocks recompile fine when I make modifications to them.

I'm modifying the good module because the pages templates recompile fine when I edit them.

So why only one block doesn't recompile?
And where do it takes the source to recompile the old one?

Re: Issue with block template compilation

I think you have still block cache. Check if you turn on cache on the specific block.
You'r delete smarty compile, but its not enough. You must delete smarty and maybe xoops cache or better use option in admin menu - maintenance to clear all
And check prophylactic for module cache too

Re: Issue with block template compilation
  • 2013/7/31 14:21

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12

Thanks for your reply.

I don't have cache enabled for any blocks and I've deleted the content of "smarty_cache", "smarty_compile" and "xoops_cache" folders.

I don't have module cache enabled too.

I did the maintenance like you said without any results.

Re: Issue with block template compilation

What version of xoops are you using?

In older xoops versions the templates were stored in the database but more recently they are now been stored in the theme folder. Please check your theme folder for module overload templates to ensure your edited templates are not being over ridden.

Also try to make sure your browser is not caching the page. I believe if you hit refresh on a displayed page it will typically delete the cached page and build a new one. This is more of an issue with static pages.

Re: Issue with block template compilation
  • 2013/8/1 15:36

  • zyspec

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1095

  • Since: 2004/9/21

You also might try to see if you have overridden the template. Go into the Admin Panel -> Templates. Select your theme (on the left), then select 'modules' and then continue to 'drill down' to see if you can find the template you're looking for to be able to delete it.

Another option to see if this is the problem is to change your site theme and see if the 'correct' block template appears there. This will also help you narrow down if the template is being overloaded.


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