Re: xoops db + install error
  • 2006/6/1 17:44

  • leostotch

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At this point I do not know what else to try. Does anyone have any suggestions for me ?

At this point there are not many things to suggest... Did you check if XOOPS didn't corrupt your credentials before saving them (echo them from mysqldatabase.php, or look in mainfile.php) ?

Re: Upgrading, gallery gone, more information
  • 2006/5/27 8:51

  • leostotch

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Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /home/ktdata/public_html/anne/modules/xoopsgallery/classes/Album.php on line 412

That's a PHP 5.x compatibility problem in the gallery module. Try to update to a newer version of this module.

Re: Learn to Draw XOOPS Logo
  • 2006/5/25 1:54

  • leostotch

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Seems like XOOPS has a popular base design.

Not as much as as Joomla.

Re: XOOPS_ROOT_PATH: Absolute v/s Dynamic
  • 2006/5/22 20:11

  • leostotch

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Will you give an example on when it does NOT work?

Honnestly, I never had any problem with it, I just wanted to stay prudent

Re: XOOPS_ROOT_PATH: Absolute v/s Dynamic
  • 2006/5/22 19:49

  • leostotch

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This works most of the times:

define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH'str_replace("\""/",dirname __FILE__)) );

Mmmhhhhhhh :-)
  • 2006/5/15 2:48

  • leostotch

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Most Active:


1. Gaim
2. OpenWFE
3. 7-Zip
4. XOOPS Dynamic Web CMS
5. phpMyAdmin
6. Stellarium

Working is good, but when are we going to get a release of this ?

Re: cant Install.
  • 2006/5/3 3:19

  • leostotch

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Seems that this problem is known and will be fixed in next releases.

In the meantime you have to fix it manually using the solution provided here.

Re: Eta for the new site ?
  • 2006/4/19 1:02

  • leostotch

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Why do you expect a new site? The details were very clear, it's a community effort... and I see very little input from the community.

Because it's a necessary first step. Open-source is not a communautary system, but a contributive one.
Somebody has to start, take the load on his shoulder, give a motivating thing to the community, ensuring the ways to contribute have been clearly defined, to make people want to join.

Work is coming along on this, and one of the first stages will be the resurrection of Docs, which is waiting for the completion of the module for their management.

What is that ? Is somebody secretly making a 1000-monkeys-on-typewriters application somewhere ? Ever heard of something called "XOOPS" or even a "Wiki" ? Putting the docs back online as some community members did with maybe a forum module to ensure potential contributors have a place to come to would not require more than a couple days, what is that magical module that prevented anything from being published 2 months ?

  • 2006/4/18 6:49

  • leostotch

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so I made my comment in.... is "xoops falling apart", and here I am today trawling through the site when I notice that the sites i updated to 2.23 are not really going to be compatible with the update path toward 2.4!!
Or did I get that wrong?

2.0.13 is the true path!
or did I get that wrong?

Yes ! There is no "true" path. Just two parallel ones that will merge again when 2.4 comes. As far as I understood, the reason why 2.0.13 is the recommended version and not the latest 2.2 one is because it is better in term of quality and performance, now I dont see why there is a true and false path.
If 2.2.3 works for you, then good: it seems that neither the 2.0 or 2.2 branch are dead and that they are still being updated... so where's your problem ?
Do you want to have a working site that you'll be able to upgrade in the future, or do you just want to be able to upgrade to each and every single release for no reason ?

Re: Install stalls after check database step - blank screen
  • 2006/4/4 17:46

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

I'm not sure but I think I remember having a problem when trying to use a MySQL user with no password.

Try making the installer display errors for more info by adding a error_reporting(E_ALL); line on top of install/index.php, or setting up a pwd for your MySQL user, you may be more lucky.

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