I just made a tutorial about this on my site. There are advantages, and disadvantages to this method...it may or may not be a suitable solution for you, depending on your end audience.
I have had a similar problem many times when cloning modules. The problem may be entirely in your search.inc.php file. XOOPS is calling the same constant for both the original, and cloned module..that is why it freezes and gives a blank page. Turn on error checking, and see what file, and what line the error is on. Note that sometimes the code you have to change is actually on the line or two before the specified error message.
The cloned module can be working perfectly other then this issue. Try that out, and let us know if it worked!
You may not need a custom module for this site, based on your stated requirements.
"The module I am needing developed is to be used for the fixtures, match results, premier league logs etc."
I think you need to explain more about what you mean here exactly. However, someone can probably modify an existing module to suit this purpose.
"A feature I am also needing is the ability to create a block which shows the Featured Junior and Senior player."
You probably don't need a custom module for this, just a custom block. Or, you can use one of the blocks for a module like Mastop Go2, which can show a block of rotating images for the featured player...which, when you click on it, will bring you to a "featured player page"
I think what I need to do is to create a copy of the index file for the module that I am referring to on each tab...and then link to that new index page.
For example, say on one of the tabs, I want to display the main page for the Yogurt image gallery.
If I just link to the index.php page, it does show this page in the tab, but it basically loads the entire site in the tab as well...which I don't want.
What do I need to strip away from this page, so that only the module contents, and not the side bars, header area, and footer area display as well?
here is the code for the index.php file for the Yogurt module:
Any ideas on what needs to be removed, so that it only displays the mod contents?
/** * Filter for search pictures in database */ $criteria_uid = new criteria('uid_owner',$uid);
/** * Creating a factory of pictures */ $album_factory = new Xoopsyogurt_imagesHandler($xoopsDB);
/** * Fetch picturesfrom de factory */ $pictures_object_array = $album_factory->getObjects($criteria_uid);
/** * How many pictures are on the user album */ $pictures_number = $album_factory->getCount($criteria_uid);
/** * If there is no pictures in the album */ if ($pictures_number==0){ $nopicturesyet = _MD_YOGURT_NOTHINGYET; $xoopsTpl->assign('lang_nopicyet',$nopicturesyet); } else {
/** * Lets populate an array with the dati from the pictures */ $i = 0; foreach ($pictures_object_array as $picture){ $pictures_array[$i]['url'] = $picture->getVar("url","s"); $pictures_array[$i]['desc'] = $picture->getVar("title","s"); $pictures_array[$i]['cod_img'] = $picture->getVar("cod_img","s"); $xoopsTpl->assign('pics_array', $pictures_array); $i++; } }
/** * Show the form if it is the owner and he can still upload pictures */ if (!empty($xoopsUser)){ if ($isOwner && $xoopsModuleConfig['nb_pict']>$pictures_number){ $maxfilebytes = $xoopsModuleConfig['maxfilesize']; $album_factory->renderFormSubmit($maxfilebytes,$xoopsTpl); } }
/** * Let's get the user name of the owner of the album */ $owner = new XoopsUser(); $identifier = $owner->getUnameFromId($uid);
/** * Adding to the module js and css of the lightbox and new ones */ $header_lightbox = '
I have been working on my own version of an Ajax Profiles hack. I am part-way there, but have just come up with another issue. It is best illustrated if you look at the linked image below:
I basically cannot get the smarty codes in the system_userinfo.html template to display properly...it just shows the codes.
Each tab of the profile links to a separate page, in another folder on my site.
In the example in the screenshot, I cut-and-pasted the code from the system_userinfo.html template into one of these new page. I tried both a regular html page and also a .php page...neither of them worked.
Any ideas on how to get the page template on this new page to display properly?
I would like to implement this patch into an existing site, and not a new XOOPS installation.
The patch seem to be set up for new XOOPS installs.
How can I add the required tables etc, to my current database. I tried to reverse-engineer "makedata.php", to get the MySQL commands, but it didn't work. Does anyone have any ideas?
Has anyone got the new hidden content hack to work? I am using 2.0.17, followed the instructions to the letter, but still no luck. The instructions were originally in german, so I might not be getting them completely. Has anyone implemented this hack with success?