XOOPS vs XCL vs XOOPS Total administration


Hey DCrussader, it's obviously that you misunderstood
everything and everyone, refering to Cube, you're wrong.
But XOOPS Cube is not the topic.

Why I'm wrong, with that ? You recommend forks here, why Cube and not ExV2 or RunCMS ?

Let's make it a topic then, since u're looking more cooperative on this forums, what the #OOPS# is the problem with this XOOPS Cube Administration

that's how looks XOOPS Cube 2.1.2 on

and everyone knows how looks the 3 years old core (my xoops).

Or again here is not the place and time to discuss XOOPS Cube matters ?

Let's people know how good is the Cube Official supporters, specially you...

... and few words about XOOPS Brasil 2.0.18, you have to check it by your eyes Damaster, that's means modern, easy to use, lovely administration, not the one provided few lines above.
May The Source Be With You!

Re: Japanese Site


Hope you'll find here people to made your xoops
admin interfaces, themes, whatever

Check user base Damaster my XOOPS have more sources of information, and re-read Catz post again, twice if u cant catch it from the first read....

Stfan88 gives partial solution how have to be done, in addition....:

Before XOOPS installation begins(damn old and good release), you have to set database tables to use 'utf8_general_ci', then try with Stefan88 instructions (and in future, first check the included README file, before posting here or elsewhere) or check the User Guide from phpPP author of XLanguage 3.0

Copy & Paste from the included readme.txt from xoops-module-xlanguage-300.zip, downloaded from

User guide
1 install "xlanguage" as a regular module

2 insert one line
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/modules/xlanguage/api.php';
into XOOPS/include/common.php 
// #################### Include site-wide lang file ##################
if ( file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/language/".$xoopsConfig['language']."/global.php") ) {
        } else {
3 modify language/LocalLanguage/global.phptake "schinese" as example
//%%%%%        LANGUAGE SPECIFIC SETTINGS   %%%%%
    //define('_CHARSET', 'GB2312');
    //define('_LANGCODE', 'zh-CN');
define('_CHARSET', empty($xlanguage["charset"])?'GB2312':$xlanguage["charset"]);
define('_LANGCODE', empty($xlanguage["code"])?'zh-CN':$xlanguage["code"]);
$xlanguage['charset_base'] = "gb2312";
4 select basic langauges (from an available language list) and add extended languages (upon a selected basic languagefrom module admin page
for instanceto make language switch betweenEnglishSimplified Chinese (gb2312), Traditional Chinese (big5) and UTF-8 Chinese:
base 1:     nameenglish;         description(optional): English;             charsetiso-8859-1;     codeen (or anyother like "xen"not a true language codejust the tag for indicating English content)
base 2:     nameschinese;     description(optional): Simplified Chinese;     charsetgb2312;         codezh (or anyother like "sc"not a true language codejust the tag for indicating Chinese content)
extended lang of schinese 1nametchinese;     description(optional): Traditional Chinese;         charsetbig5     codezh-TW (the true language code of Traditional Chinese)        baseschinese
    extended lang of schinese 2
nameutf8;         description(optional): Simplified Chinese UTF-8;     charsetutf-8     codezh-CN (the true language code of Simplified Chinese)        baseschinese

5 make the block 
"langauge selection" visible

6 add multilingual content with according tags sepcified 
for each base language (in step 4to your modulestemplates or themes[Skip this step if you do not use multi-language content display but only use charset encoding]: 
wrap content of each language with respective tag specified in step 4:
langcode1]Content of the language1[/langcode1] [langcode2]Content of the language2[/langcode2] [langcode3]Content of the language3[/langcode3] ...
two or more languages have same contentyou do not need add them one by one but use delimiter "|":    
langcode1|langcode2]Content shared by language1&2[/langcode1|langcode2] [langcode3]Content of the language3[/langcode3] ...
a true example (suppose the lang_codes specified in step 4 areEnglish-enFrench-frSimplifiedChiense-sc):
en]My XOOPS[/en][fr]Moi XOOPS[/fr][sc]ОТµДXOOPS[/sc]
english|french]This is my content in English and French[/english|french][schinese]ЦРОДДЪИЭ[/schinese]

7 automatic conversion of content from one charset(extended languageto another [Actually on action needed in this step]

8 __if__ you would like to insert hardcoded scripts for language switch in your theme or any template besides the language selection box:
1modify /modules/xlanguage/api.php "$xlanguage_theme_enable = true;"
2config options "$options = array("images", " ", 5); // display mode, delimitor, number per line";
3insert "<{$smarty.const.XLANGUAGE_SWITCH_CODE}>" into your theme or template files anywhere you prefer it present

p.s. and Damaster, if anyone is a part of XOOPS Cube (Legacy), Cube or whatever call it community, how u will describe the provided shot, and what's the solution for it ? To use IE to administrate your Cube 2.1.2 site, or ? Such things can't happen here. At least if some bugs comes in the final, ppl work as team to solve it. What means official (primary) support site without a word from the main developer. Onokazu vs. phppp, who have more posts :).

Provided Screenshot is a bug exist and reported from 2.1.0 RC1.... still no words
May The Source Be With You!

Re: Herves News 1.44 and XOOPS 2.0.15 UTF8 almost ready

Cant work with SourceForge.net Bug tracker, leaving that to u - XOOPS Moderators.
May The Source Be With You!

Herve's News 1.44 and XOOPS 2.0.15 UTF8 almost ready

Months ago when XOOPS Translations was active, we (me and Herve) started a discussion - with topic News 1.44/Backend.php and UTF8).

The main problem was (and still is, but finaly is located where from comes) that each news article written in UTF-8, comes out thru backend.php like "???? ???? "

XOOPS latest Mithrandir releases was totaly far, far away from Unicode UTF-8, no matter which patches are applied to the language files, or parts of the /includes/database.php. It was just a big mess, now ... this days comes 2.0.14 (2.0.15) which is Skalpa, better team leader then the previous, but ... anyway:
XOOPS 2.0.15 was announced as second (2.0.14 was first) XOOPS Unicode UTF-8 ready !

In fact XOOPS 2.0.14/2.0.15 is half Unicode UTF-8 ready, it can displays Unicoded content better then Mith, but is far away from really Unicode ready application.


If u create 2 different databases, one with Latin1 tables, and one with utf8_general_ci, u will see the difference :)

XOOPS 2.0.15 Installation process is fine on both databases, instead of final results, on Latin1 works perfect, with broken again RSS (cos of the storage, stored text is entered in UTF8, and saved in ISO8859-1) comes in "????" and XOOPS 2.0.15 in Latin1 RSS works (oops, ATOM - RSS 2.0 uses only UTF-8).

After a lot of tests on our local Gentoo boxes, we discovered that:

XOOPS 2.0.15 is not Unicode UTF8 compliant, it's not compatible, not fully operational, as what have to be.
XOOPS 2.0.15 can work as thru declaration in language.php file to use UTF-8 instead of ISO8859-1, but this is not real, it's like emulation.
XOOPS 2.0.15 adds more incompatibilities to last releases of some modules, like Marcan's WF-Downloads 3, and adds (as 2.0.14) two new blocks.

Open Personal message to Herve:

My excuses for previously reported bug, the bug is not dependent of your work on News 1.44, it's XOOPS 2.0.xx core related bug. Backend.php finally (on our local boxes) shows fully operational syndication in UTF-8, but is not for public releases - such patch will brake XOOPS and 3PD compatibility.

To core dev:

Storing content information as UTF-8 encoding, but in ISO8859-1 tables will gives as allways "?????" this can be done by adding one declaration:

lines 106 - 111
function prefix($tablename='')
        if ( 
$tablename != '' ) {
$this->prefix .'_'$tablename;
$this->prefix $table_prefix;
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"$this->_resource);
    } else {

Possibilities of two be messed this two lines:
$this->prefix $table_prefix;
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"$this->_resource);

But when I MySQL guru is back, I will ask him for the proper code change.
May The Source Be With You!

Re: Site got hacked


Decided to drop xoops. After one year of XOOPS I have pretty much enough of it all and decided to go back to html.

Heh, year ago I decide the same, HTML is nice, easy... but after few months of searching what to use for my clients, from Notepad Plus to Xaraya, Nukes, Website Bakers, some nullified CMS which pretends to be better then anything else - SubDreamer... I understand that currently there is a only two systems which can be used with ease to build and maintain corporate sites. They are Mambo and XOOPS (as core).

Instead of loosing time with HTML editors such as NotePad Plus :), pick like me, I'm still with XOOPS but with different core :), Ono's XOOPS, make at least one backup per week, do not leave folders (except uploads, templates_c and cache) with 777 permissions, and everything will be fine.

MyADS works fine with from one year, the same (almost) from six months works on 2.0.13a to 2.0.15.

Redirects are simple way of overtaking your root/index and replacing it with index.html - www.xoops.org - several months ago. This is possible on Apache 2.0.54 or later with 777 permission on your root folder.

Find sometime and read Apache manuals, there are detailed descriptions of .htaccess and .htpasswd, with a lot of examples for the most insecure CMS - PHPNuke, learn from them, Nukers are hacked, downed and removed each new release, each new untested and unsertificed modules when they install.

For XOOPS there are two security modules, Protector (only if u are paranoic) and Statistics (IBDeeming) 0.60, 0.75.

Saying XOOPS (no matter which core) sux is a big mistake, there is just no replacement for it, I hope as me (or faster) will realize the one thing :

There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path Neo :)

Here (some times) u can get accurate answer if u are post accurate problem, and sometimes may not got an reply from year, but if u change for example to HTML who will help u, or u are HTML Guru ? hehe, we are only humans, there is no Guru's, masters, even the PHP.org developers makes mistakes.

Or if u pick Nukes, Mambo/Jambo (oops Joomla), Mitra, NS Mamu - yeah 4 forks, the same like XOOPS, who will help u better, the renegade community - Joomla (which with few answers can force u to forget forever about this fork), Mambo - We are borg, prepare to be assimilated, they're answer only to dedicated Mambo users, Mitra - u have to learn Iraqs or NS Mamu - Thai ?

There is no better community from the 3 XOOPS Forks, all together their forums and sites are great and valuable storage of knowledge, and not only to XOOPS related questions/problems.
May The Source Be With You!

Re: Is there any form generator with MySQL backend?

or the most stable Liaise -http://www.brandycoke.com/
May The Source Be With You!

Re: How can I modify modules template to my theme?

in your-server-root/htdocs/modules/newbb/templates, all are there, from Administration/Templates, clone them and feel free to modify.
May The Source Be With You!


Headlines, XHLD, What's new and all others imports and display external content to your site, XLanguage, Marcan SmartLanguage, Easiest ML are created to maintain content on your site in more then one language.
May The Source Be With You!

Re: Migrating site, need more help!


all I got was a blank page.

Check the original hosting provider (HSP) PHP Installation info, and compare it to the target.

Few days ago I moved (Marcan's hacked XOOPS) from one HSP to another, the first try was the same like u, cos the targeted one was PHP 5.0.3 without PHP4 support, some parts of this heavyli hacked XOOPS not work with PHP5.

Also the first one was on Apache 1.3.33, the targeted was on 2.0.54 (bugiest ever Apache released).

Third and most awfull, the targeted HSP MySQL was compiled on (my lovely) Gentoo with Latin1 by default on all tables. The first one was on UTF-8.

So when u find the difference u can fix it simple, u have to made some table changes in the database (if there is a change too), and u are in.

Or to do like me, to give a big "holy #OOPS#, with a lot of f..#$#" and to change to another with give u the required information in advance.
May The Source Be With You!

Re: getting tired of xoops?


does anyone know of any advantages that XOOPS has over joomla

I know one :)

Try to maintain Community portal in Joomla 1.0.8 and u can see the differences. A lot of alpha and RC state hacks, and the main thing which first was saw in Nuke are the comments :)

Joomla comments are 3rd party addon - is this the next-gen cms ?

XOOPS isnt no more my favorite CMS (looking forward of XOOPS Cube), but anyway comparing Joomla to XOOPS is not the proper way, compare Joomla against each other, even e107.org and php-fusion.co.uk.

Joomla doesnt have anything of the XOOPS features, except the better theme engine, better community, better documentation.

So if u plan to move Joomla or Mambo (my favorite of this 2 forks) better check how u will get replacements for all your needs and used on your site before the dowgrade.

BTW, there is no 2.2.3 to 2.0 downgrader. in downloads u can found 2.2.x (which is created for the buggiest Myth XOOPS 2.2.2) released few months ago, not for 2.2.3 to 2.0.13.

SimpleForum which is now Mambo/Joomla forum cant be compared with first alpha of CBB 0.01 :)

U will be forced to use SMF, but SMF works fine with XOOPS too.

The main thing to pick up XOOPS before Mambo (cos Joomla! was not exist last year) is one, Mambo simplicity is very well explained in XOOPS, not in Mambo.

Check with how much clicks u can open 2 news categories one for regged users, and one for annonymous, and put two news in there in XOOPS and Mambo/Jambo.

Than make this news to be commented by users, and to rate the stories, to put Poll inside the stories.

and the same situation in XOOPS 2.2/2.0/JP - no matter which core u will pick, in XOOPS this can be done with ease, in Mambo, Sections, Categories, Permissions (yeah, I remeber the good old time with PostNuke 0.716, permissions everywhere to show how much secure is compared to PHPNuke - blah).

Do u ever seen local site to be hacked, this is a war between one man and XOOPS.ORG staff (not the community), so 2.2 is stable as 2.0.13, if 2.0.13 (www.xoops.org) is hackable at least one per week, what the hell have to be 2.2? Do u ask here in the forum, for the pros and cons moving from 2.2 to 2.0 or vise versa ?


-Their components section is superb -http://extensions.joomla.org/

Yeah and the most promising componets (yacks, there are modules, and the mambo modules are blocks) are commercial. Hot Property for example.

So, GPL core - wich cant do anything without this crap - components, and most of them commercial ? Can u imagine this here at XOOPS (.org or .jp) ???

phpBB CBB 4.0 to become commercial "component" ?? haha


ie look in 'wysiwig editors' section and you'll find neatly arranged (and working!)

There is a 4 currently fully operational WYSIWYG Editors for XOOPS, but cant see why to use FCK or TinyMCE instead of the perfect Koivi ?

As u can read in that section of Jambo extensions, there is a only 3 editors, 2 forks of FCK, and over 7 forks of TinyMCE (and one that u not know yet, JosCE)


So I guess what I need to hear is any actual reasons why XOOPS is better - for example are the modules unstable in joomla?

And this is not enough to u ?
Ok then, go and try Joomla!, but dont cry if u met the most important bug nova days! Joomla and Mambo are the most stupid CMS created ever, for example if u have installed on your M/J site Simple Board 1.0.0, u cant upgrade it to 1.4RC 1, cos there is no update/upgrade option in Mambo/Joomla!

Do u believe that if Joomla main developers release patch from version to version, and the component maintainers do it - no way, just the new version, and dig it on your own, if there is database change, not only in the code (and there is no such thing like "upgrade database" such as SimpleBoard - u will go crying - where is my hackable, unstable and fast (compared to Joomla! with more than 200 reg. users in the same time) XOOPS :)

So wish u success with OOPS to Mambo/Jambo conversion, but cant seem a point why this fork Joomla is better than XOOPS, except the first 3 points mentioned up, and where is the difference between Mambo and Joomla! :)

I will told u later, if u become Joomla! fan, it will be like a gift to u :)

Some ex-mambo developers, which was defacted by Joomla! and found this "gift" by themself now are back to Mambo :)

So be very careful with this fork, friendly advice :)


Is XOOPS more secure? Though, again from your post if the homesite is getting trashed by hackers then that doesn't really bode too well!

Now take this example, if Joomla! was maintained by Herko, and Mikhail is the man who cant stay and minute without to #OOPS# up with xoops(.org) hacking, flooding, cracking etc. How much times per week Joomla will go down ?

As I told u before, it's not with the core, this hacks are against one or more ppl from XOOPS staff, and no matter what CMS will be used here.

If someone hates u, no matter that u are BSD Guru (if u are) your server will die each time when security hole is found by a powerfull hacker, which main objective is to buried your server once and forever.

Check securityFocus, how much time there is located XOOPS security hole, comparing to phpbb, phpnuke (my lovely scrap) and Mambo/Jambo ?


I think in terms of the look of website, joomla is two or three years ahead of xoops

Hehe, this make me laught, 2-3 years ahead ??? of what ?

Do u ever seen Mambo/Jambo Administration ?

Do u believe that the hardest CMS is TYPO 3 ?

Check Joomla! u love it :)


Joomla's apparently got a 1.1

Which is Mambo 4.6, instead of waiting, go and get it from www.mamboserver.com

Joomla! is a simple and unsuccsful try to steal the mambo popularity, if Mambo isnt exist, Joomla even cant be dreamed.


Xoops has the similar 2.3/2.4

Prefer to play with 2.3/2.4 instead of Jambo 1.1, there is still no modules managment in 1.1 :)


Use Drupal. You will see soon that you were only loosing time with those CMS's like Joomla, Xoops, ...

Yeah, the number one choice for ..... (no comment) pick it up

So wish u a lot of luck (u will need it) and success with Jambo! :)
May The Source Be With You!

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