Re: Best Xoops beginner instructions /manual /tutorial?
  • 2008/11/1 9:51

  • MrGrey

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  • Since: 2008/4/13

Starting A XOOPS Site, Topic id 5713 (2007)

So, this is the closest thing then.

Is there any important difference to install directly to apache-driven web host instead of using offline-server XAMPP?


BB-comedy, almost fun, on a friday!
  • 2008/10/31 16:32

  • MrGrey

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  • Since: 2008/4/13

Warning, stiffest site around!
U know what, they got a bird-blob as a logo! (see left upper corner)

...I think Swedish governmental tax department is more fun!


Re: Recommended starting modules - admin /security etc.
  • 2008/10/31 9:47

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13

PM was a hard one. Can't find it under P in the module repository and search does not allow 2 letter search.

Can someone tell where PM-module is?

Re: From template to what? (adapt /implement into xoops)
  • 2008/10/30 18:37

  • MrGrey

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News, articles, blog or e-mag?

Yes, that "recent news" is something like iT. This type of modules are not easy to get a grip on.

Recently I saw this which use a layout wich resembles one of my scetches.

...although Vesey's site opens articles in new page wich is more of my liking.

Comments on layout in the link versus modules appreciated.

Re: Recommended starting modules - admin /security etc.
  • 2008/10/30 17:40

  • MrGrey

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A: "Groups of visitors..."

Hmmm, is it different groupings of authorization levels U are thinking about?

What happens, in a simple case where U start with a blog and then add a ezine module?

Is there any need for extra modules to expand the system on authorization levels?


Re: Recommended starting modules - admin /security etc.
  • 2008/10/30 15:11

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13

...its allways nice to know where to put energy!

I think this is the slightly updated version of the Skenow "Starting a XOOPS site" (Dec 2007):

10) Is there any type of admin or other general modules (not mentioned by Skenow) that must, or definitely benefit from being installed from site start? Decisions that is smart to make on a general basis from start?

11) Is editors included in 2.3.1 ?

Some authors use to say that U should not talk about future plans First things first...and getting a system platform up is that first step.


Recommended starting modules - admin /security etc.
  • 2008/10/30 8:38

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13

Recommended starting modules - admin /security etc

In this thread
https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=66379&forum=27 are some modules for, what I suppose is a cms-experienced XOOPS beginner.

Are there admin or security modules that is good or recommended to install from start, also for beginners?

Fireflies (link above) talk about these modules:
pm, profile, protector, system, thadmin and index.html
...in that thread also X-center is mentioned.

1) Are those a good set?

Protector was easy to find, but the others was harder. "Profile" is that the SmartProfile module?

2) Thadmin I found a v1.1
3) System, is that the Frameworks 1.35?
4) What is the PM module?
5) Whats is index.html (in mentioned thread)?


Re: Slim or fat - Where is competition going?
  • 2008/10/29 11:20

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13


The world of Xoops

Does anyone today grasp the whole world of Xoops?

Does anyone have the total overview on...

# XOOPS modules and development?
# Xoops.org site?
# What cms's are the closest competition?

Yes I'm a noob, but I have made some 100ds of searches on the Xoops.org site and read plenty.

Things that would qualify to new good documents end up in "news" or only in forum.

No one seems to bother about the sections renewal. Modules lack any form of version-compatibility acknowledgement.
When searching old stuff appear BUT NOT PROPER NEW ONES that exist! Some of those are found more like random. From that I would like to suggest that, please...:

A) The existing site with all present containts is moved to a xoopsold.org. The xoops.org site is restarted. Use same structure, all tech and layout as today but clean out all docs, modules, messages etc.. and restart.
B) Do the other way around and start a new xoops3.org site.

I believe that all would benefit from that. Development, newbies, creativity and...
all would get a new, fresh perspective on the contemporary world of XOOPS in all aspects.


Best Xoops beginner instructions /manual /tutorial?
  • 2008/10/27 11:53

  • MrGrey

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13

Best XOOPS 2.3 beginner instructions /manual? ...please

Wich parts is best and most reasonable to use for each part in XOOPS use: installing, templating and operation? Any one totally outdated? Please advice!

Quick start guide (from France)
lost the link.

MyTutorials v2.1b

New install 2.3 (2008, in English from France?)

Xoops for Dummies (2004)

Operation guide (2004)

Starting A XOOPS Site, Topic id 5713 (2007)

Puny thought on tagclouds
  • 2008/10/26 8:37

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13

We often se big, blob tagclouds. Just as ugly as they are usefull. But must they be all that monsterous?

Couldn't tag clouds look like this example:

train boat car canoe dingey motorcycle tire rails roads path creek flood river highway motorway highroad bridge ferry traffic cruiser speedboat

This gives 5 levels and reasonable balanced in graphics. Would U understand it?

Note that I use blue scale colors for both weak color and strong. This gives a rather pleasant color balance. That could match a cold bluish website. In a raggey-music website we could naturally use a weak yellow for low rank, normal green for mid and strong red.

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