Error: Unable to connect to database
Protector 3.02
XOOPS Protector is a module to defend your XOOPS2 powered website from various malicious attacks. In the event of an attempt to attack your website, Protector blocks the attack and the attacker.
PLEASE NOTE: The level of security of your website depends on the quality of the scripts used as much as the configuration of the webserver the website is hosted on. Protector adds an extra security layer to the XOOPS scripts.
This module can protect a various kind of attacks like:
- DoS (Denial of Service)
- Bad Crawlers (like bots collecting e-mails...)
- SQL Injection
- XSS (Cross Site Scripting -not all though)
- System globals pollution
- Session hi-jacking
- Null-bytes
- Directory Traversal
- Various methods of CSRF (Cross SIte Request Forgery -fatal in XOOPS <=
- Brute Force multiple login attacks
- Camouflaged Image File Uploading (== IE Content-Type XSS)
- Executable File Uploading Attack
- XML-RPC's eval() and SQL Injection Attacks
- SPAMs for comment, trackback etc.
XOOPS Protector defends your XOOPS 2.x poewered website from these attacks, and records them in its log.
XOOPS 2.x, PHP 4.x+, MySQL 3.23+
MadFish wrote:
Quote:If a select few are responsible, things are going to be done their way, so they can control the risks of being held accountable. This is truly unavoidable.
No, this is the closed team model. It is exactly the opposite of what I mean by open teams.
The leader of an open team would be responsible for coordinating the effort of the wider community for some aspect of xoops. That might mean:
* Maintaining a list of tasks that need doing
* Trying to encourage people to take on particular jobs
* Encouraging people to work together
* Encouraging debate on a common direction
* Encourage community comment and review on technical contributions and suggestions from community members
* Delegating any or all of the above to others!
Anyone interested community member could:
* Take on tasks that need doing
* Propose new tasks or improvements
* Provide input on direction of that aspect of xoops
* Help review technical contributions and suggestions from community members.
This is an open way of working.
MadFish wrote:
An *open team structure* will make it a success. Past attempts were all closed teams, with fixed membership, that prevented others from contributing, that ran into labour shortages, and THAT is why they failed.
We can't have no leadership at all, someone has to be responsible. But let the teams be a mechanism for coordinating and reviewing the wider community effort, not closed shops*.
eric235u wrote:
i have just clearly shown that the common developement tools are NOT being used. that is fact.