Re: XoopsForge - dev.xoops.org - Project Management
  • 2007/3/8 20:03

  • chadm

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

I'll check both of them out and sit back and watch to see what's happening.

My supervisor is actually looking at Microsoft Project for our use and we'll see how that goes...

Thanks for the information!

XoopsForge - dev.xoops.org - Project Management
  • 2007/2/26 16:14

  • chadm

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

We are looking for a project management system with bug tracking, file distributions, code check-in/out, etc...

Sourceforge.net is what several people have recommended to us.

Does such a module exist for Xoops? XoopsForge? Is Xoopsforge alive? We downloaded a copy from http://freshmeat.net/projects/xoopsforge/

Is there a newer version?

What are the guys using for dev.xoops.net? Is that available anywhere for us to download?

If one of the "forges" are not available, can anyone suggest a web tool to use for tracking web development projects with a team of about 25-30 people?

Thanks for any help!!!

Google Appliance & Form Indent
  • 2006/9/13 14:09

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

We are planning to use the Google Appliance to provide the searching for our site. Styling the search box has proven to be difficult due to my lack of CSS knowledge.

The HTML for the search form is as follows:

[ ... ]

I did not write the code, but it's what I have to work with.

It is possible, using a generic style sheet to indent the TD or the text box named "q" ?

Thanks for any help!

Re: Web site capture tool
  • 2006/9/9 11:24

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

For whatever reason I have been unable to log into my old account (CM2339), so here I am with a new acount...

I finally completed the task of archiving our site and it looks like HTTrack gets our vote. The other tools mentioned worked but with "quirks."

HTTrack has it's own quirks but we have found the best results with that one so far.

Sorry for the delayed post but I wanted to complete the thread with a follow up message.

Thanks once again to everyone who made a suggestion.

See you in the forums...


Which PHP editors are best?
  • 2006/7/7 20:27

  • chadm

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

Our group has been using XOOPS for almost a year. WE LIKE IT!

We are starting to build some of our own modules and hope to help debug some of the current ones that we like (as time permits of course). In progressing in our PHP development, we want a "better" editor to use. Side note: we are in a Windows client environment.

What PHP editors are people using to build custom modules?

We actually really like Notepad2.exe by flo's freeware (http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html). We have use Visual Studio for VB code and Notepad2 does not compare. Anybody have suggestions?

Thanks for your time!


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