Re: Failed Writing Constant errors...
  • 2006/7/3 16:49

  • leostotch

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

how/why is this?

The answer didnt change since the original posts.
Read above.

Re: Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference
  • 2006/7/3 15:03

  • leostotch

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

So a more definite solution would be appreciated.
I use php 5.0.5. by the way. It's a hosted domain, so I can't change anything about that.

It's a problem specific to PHP 5.0.x. As the change they did broke some applications, the PHP team decided to fix this in 5.1, but didn't in 5.0 .

The fix is easy each time, but fixing one line doesn't mean you won't see the same problem reappear in another one (however: the way to fix it is the same each time). So I think you'd better report this to the devs so they can provide a real fix.

In the meantime, here's the idea:
// userinfo.php (115)
// xoopsblock.php (152)
return str_replace('{X_SITEURL}'XOOPS_URL.'/'$myts->displayTarea([color=FF6666]$this->getVar('content''N')[/color], 11));

you have to put the result of 'getVar' in a temporary variable each time, changing those line to this:
// userinfo.php (115)
$tmp $thisUser->getVar('bio''N');
// xoopsblock.php (152)
$tmp $this->getVar('content''N');

But again, there may be others (opening userinfo.php made me see the same syntax was used for 'user_signature' a few lines below ), so you'll have to do this each time

Re: Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in
  • 2006/7/3 14:45

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/httpd/vhosts/xoops.net.br/httpdocs/modules/protector/include/precheck.inc.php on line 26

Your database cannot be found. More precisely: the connection to the MySQL server doesnt work.
First possible cause: a problem with XOOPS_DB_HOST/USER/PASS.
Second possible cause: your MySQL server is too loaded and reaches the number of accepted connections

Re: Unable to use private message feature
  • 2006/7/1 0:57

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

When I do that it sends me to a page that says..."the page cannot be displayed"..the url at the top is..
(tammairanslip)openWithSelfMain( 'http://bandofbrother.net/pmlite.php?send2=1&to_userid=5',%20'pmlite', %20450,%20380);

If you get this message, then the upgrade isn't complete (the "tammairanslip" message has been changed to "script removed" in 2.0.14):
- Delete all the ".php" files in templates_c to force the regeneration of your templates
- If that doesn't fix your problems, then use the files integrity checker released with 2.0.14 to verify that all the system files were correctly uploaded/updated

Re: Unable to use private message feature
  • 2006/7/1 0:50

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

A 2.0.14 change requires support of the "xoops_module_header" feature in your theme (if you use an old theme that doesn't suppport this, one of the consequences may be what you're describing)...

- Open the file themes/yourtheme/theme.html
- Check that this file inserts the xoops_module_header content in the output page head. If not, add the following read line between and :


Once you've done this, delete all the files inside the template_c folder (except index.html), to ensure your change is seen by XOOPS.

Re: Upgrade to 2.0.14 went south
  • 2006/6/30 18:28

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

There are way too many "content invalid" files to list here. What did I do wrong?

Don't know... that's weird. That's what I did too, with no problem.
I just tried to redo an install quickly, dloading the tgz again, untarring and all, and everything goes fine (well, xoops_md5.php tells me 3 files are invalid but I saw in another thread it's due to a packaging error in the tgz and can be ignored).
So I don't know... I think you should try the upg again (get a new package, and do the copy again). Maybe you could try to check your new files perms too (owner and chmoding).

Re: Upgrade to 2.0.14 went south
  • 2006/6/30 17:42

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

I have gone into recovery.php and set debugging to 1 and still not getting any additional errors that are showing what is the problem. As backup insurance I edited common.php to for error reporting to E_ALL, and still not getting any errors either on screen on in my phperror.log.

I think it is not enough as error reporting is disabled in other places too. The only safe way to enable debug mode when you don't have access to the admin interface is by changing the config value manually in the DB (as indicated in the "troubleshooting blank page" FAQ if I remember).
Also, complete blank pages can often be the consequence of PHP parse errors. Did you check that you uploaded your files correctly using the file integrity checking script ?

Re: $xoops_isadmin, $xoops_isuser, but $xoops_?
  • 2006/6/30 1:58

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

Wow !
Why do simple when we can do complicated ?

1st step, insert this in footer.php (if you just need this feature in one of your theme templates), or better: in class/template.php (to make it available in every template).

footer.php version
color=FF6666]    if ( @$xoopsUser && is_object($xoopsUser) ) {
$xoopsTpl->assign'xoops_usergroups'$xoopsUser->getGroups() );

class/template.php version
color=FF6666]    global $xoopsUser;
    if ( @
$xoopsUser && is_object($xoopsUser) ) {
$this->assign'xoops_usergroups'$xoopsUser->getGroups() );

Now you can test if the user is a member of a specific group using something like this in your templates:
<{if 1|in_array:$xoops_usergroups}>User is a member of group 1<{/if}>
<{if 2|in_array:$xoops_usergroups}>User is a member of group 2<{/if}>

To use the group name instead of its ID/number isn't recommended: the groupd Id will always stay the same, while you may want to change its display name in the future, whitout having to change all your templates.

Re: During fresh install of 2.0.14-Warning
  • 2006/6/29 18:31

  • leostotch

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  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

I think the warning is just here because of the notices: it seems the installer tries to send a custom header, but as some notices have been printed, it fails to do so.
So, I think you shouldn't worry about it.

Re: Can I use 13.2 core modules with 2.0.14?
  • 2006/6/28 17:51

  • leostotch

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 76

  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

AFAIK, yes... But there are newer versions of most of these modules available, so I wouldn't recommend you to:
- There's an updated XOOPSPolls module
- There's formulaire to replace the old contact module
- The old newbb module has become CBB.

And so on...

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