Re: user.php

ok I've tried this but there doesn't seem to be a place to save it..........

edit: i've gone to ftp and found the file system_userform.html. and will just edit and upload back to the site..thanks again..

Re: can someone help with payment options

Hello--well that's what my thoughts were initally and I actually had it setup that way...for a day anyway...than I thought..maybe this was too hard for people..

ok.......let me install the registration thing again..and see.........oh this is so complicated but it's so important..here I was just going to edit the user.php file...but your right.........what's to stop people from finding out the url and just logging in.........than I thought..well what if I had the them register and than when they paid they couldn't actually log in without webmaster approval....well unless i was sitting here 24-7, people would be annoyed that they paid and couldn't log in right away..

so many things to think about...

EDIT:...I think I'll stick with my original plan because if folks find out the url..no biggie....every single day we need to upload our "stuff" and we will just check the members section every day...if they haven't paid..they will be deleted..no biggie..


In the user.php file, can I remove this line some how?

Not registered? Click here.

Re: don't want register screen, but rather login

OK..I just thought of something else. How about if I have a block that says: MEMBERS LOG IN HERE:
than have a link to the log in screen. Only thing I need now is the link to the log in screen? Any ideas what that would be. ??

Edit: ok I figured it out......I just made a link to the users page ....works great!!

don't want register screen, but rather login


How do I make it so anonymous users cannot register on the front page, but I do want the log in screen showing username and password ...................

Re: can someone help with payment options

ok I'll try again..thanks so much.......

and I thinkkkkk I found the link

OK YES THIS SOLVES MY ENTIRE PROBLEM...that's all i really wanted I guess because I needed to know what the link was after paypal...cool THANKSSSSSS FOR BRAINING STORMING WITH ME..WOW..

another edit: ok I'm still confused a bit...How do I get rid of the register thing on the front page because that is also the login screen???

Re: can someone help with payment options

ok I'll mess around with it now and see if it works..It's hard because I don't want anyone to be able to register unless they pay............

I just typed in:


and it's blank............so I went and looked in the module directory and there's nothing about profiles .....wierd eh..see why i'm struggling..

Re: can someone help with payment options


YeSSSSSSSSS ..that's exactly what I found also..but I guess my question should be more simple. Wheres the register page? I guess I'm looking for XOOPS help eh???

Re: contact module

Exactly......that's what I thought too....My email says:


but if you go click on the contacts..it shows my other email address.................????????? seriously,..

EDIT; ok i SEE.....for some wierd reason when I clicked on contact last night..it showed "admin" and than my email address..I thought that's what everyone sees..but now I clicked on it..and it's all blank..so that's what it's suppose to look like..I get it..thank you..

Re: can someone help with payment options

ok..subscription is a really nice problem..I already tried it a few days ago....it's fab..but I Think..i could be wrong that it's too much for my site..my site is simple...I just want people to click on the pay now or whatever..doesn't matter..it goes right to paypal......they are NOT registered at this point...they don't even have to sign in....It's when they have paid..THAN I WANT THEM TO BE RETURNED TO SOME KIND OF LOG ON/REGISTER SCREEN.............

DOES THIS subscription thing do this? dont' think so..i had a friend try the program and it couldn't do it...
I had put in say 19.95 as the price for example..and when it went to paypal..it showed 1.00...now I couldn't believe it..the next day it happened to me also...it showed 19.95 than sure enough..it showed 1.00 on the paypal page..wierd eh?" so I thought..maybe subscription wasn't for me or I LIKELY I'M DOING SOMETHING WRONG......the price thing is'nt my major problem.I'm sure that's simple..it's where the user goes after they've paid that i can't seem to get past..i need it to go to a register page...??? does this do that.??????????????? that's why i I thought..maybe just a link and than what?? again where's the register page....i dont' get it,.,.

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