Seems that I fixed this problem by adding two folders in the module's folder.
One is "content", the other is "headers"...
So now I can add content, though the fix seems a bit dodgy...
For example, attempting to add content type "link", gives the following errors:
Notice: Undefined index: showerror in file /modules/content/index.php line 40
Notice: Undefined index: cont_permits_advnaced in file /modules/content/index.php line 49
Notice: Undefined variable: crumbsout in file /modules/content/index.php line 167
Line 40 = $header_img = $fileupload_name;
Line 49 = $sqlinsert="INSERT INTO ".$xoopsDB->prefix(_MIC_CONTENT_PREFIX)." (parent_id, ptitle, title, text, visible, homepage, nohtml, nosmiley, nobreaks, nocomments,
link, address, submenu, newwindow, date, assoc_module, header_img) VALUES ('" . intval($parent_id) . "','" . $ptitle . "','" . $title . "','" .
Line 167 = $categoria_select->addOption("", _C_MAINMENU);
Any ideas about these errors..?