I have wiwimod (0.83) working in a XOOPS 2.0.16, and am trying to use fck editor with it. (The editor is on the xoopseditor folder..)
The reason I want to use the FCK editor is that I want people to easily upload images.. (..and the other editors seems to let mainly linking or require admin permissions to use XOOPS image manager..)
However, it doesn't let me upload... I changed the permissions, put a copy in the class folder of wiwi - and it didn't help..
I turned on the debug - but no error came up...
In the xoopseditor instructions it say:
"/FCKeditor/module/: copy the files to the modules folders in case module specific upload permissions, storage and editor options are required"
Maybe I am not doing this right?
Does it mean copy the editor to the module, or copy certain files..?
Any ideas?