Multilanguage Japanese/English

Dear xoopers.. Long time no see.

I have been working very hard on our non-profit website www.english2day.com and its come along way!

Partly due to Marcans amazing help to us!

We ran into a big problem just now, we use multilanguage module from marcan and it works fine! BUT the Japanese characters or the chinese characters in the XOOPS parts dont show up correct.. check it out www.english2day.com

When I make a block and type Japanese text it will show up perfect no problem, but when I change to japanese the things like

User Menu View Account Edit Account Notifications etc

are not correctly displayed in Japanese (they are when I select english french or spanish) but with Arabic, Japanese and Chinese it becomes non-sense!

Please someone help us!

Re: Middle blocks out of whack

Sites not down.... www.english2day.com or www.japan2day.net or www.eigo2day.com or www.language2day.com or www.2daygroup.org

All should be fine...

NO space

I try to make the block names and module names longer and have no idea how to do this.

At the moment I think for blocks and modules max characters is 150, how can I increase this number and where? In stead of for example "main menu" I like to type a 300 letter description for that block.. at the moment this is impossible..

Please someone help me (if you wonder why I want that much characters ... its for multi lingual tags)

Middle blocks out of whack


I am trying to re-design our website, www.english2day.com

How to change the middle blocks width? I use newbb2 since a few days and when we use the module the middle block is too big pushing the right blocks half our of the screen.

Sorry for a bad description, but where can I adjust the width. and how!


Hack the character spaces please

I need to add extra information in the Module and block descriptions. At the moment I guess it takes only 150 characters but How can I increase this amount.

I use ML so I type tags to add different languages to be displayed when people change the language.. it runs our of space quickly that way and I have over 10 languages to input there...

Please someone tell me a hack for this..


Wooow, I love the xoopersstore. It makes my website all the better! thank you

Where do i and how do I insert my amazon associates ID? I know its in the asearch.php but where....

Add writing space in block descriptions

How do I increase the amount of characters allowed in the blocks naming? Currently with ML1.4 I try to have multiple language names in there using the [en][/en] tags but it says I exeed the max number of characters..

Any tips?

Multi Language 1,4

I have installed ML 1.4 with the fantastic help of The writer, he is the BEST

When I now try to add two new language Spanish and Arabic it freaks out on me. I add the language files and update the class/terxtfilesanatiser thingy.. Then during that session it works like a dream... It translated with the click of a button

When other people login or when I logout and then in again it STOPS... all looks fine and I can login..BUT, when itry to go to inbox it says YOUR NOTY REGISTERED, when I try to go to anything that I like it says I am NOT REGISTERED,

Now I deleted the class/textfilesnatasier thingy and put the old one in there, all works fine... offcourse now my website looks funny with all these text bits [en]text[/en][sp]text[/sp] and so on..

Re: Keep sessions

I pin pointed the problem to the textfilesanatiser. So I will move the tops to module problems

Keep sessions


I just uploaded the spansish and arabic language packs to my website. However, when people sign in now they can,but when you want to do antyhing like go to inbox or newbb they get the message they are not registered.. So it drops them out and they log back in and same story again..

Any tips?

Also, I try to make the menu items and block names multi lingual, by adding the [en]text[/en][ar]text[/ar] tags but it says the names are too long, where can I make the text space bigger?

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