Maybe somebody else may be able to offer help on this one?
DjMikeWatt wrote:
Yeah, I don't really know what that means...
Why can't I copy the code from the system_block_user.html file? It works in that block, why would it not work in the theme.html?
Isn't there a piece of code I can paste in there that will provide the functionality I'm looking for?
Just a link that says "Inbox" and points to "/viewpmsg.php" but that will show new messages when they exist... as in:
Seems like this shouldn't be all that difficult...
<td class="topnav" align="center" colspan="3"> <a href="<{$xoops_url}>/user.php?xoops_redirect=/">Logina>
• <a href="<{$xoops_url}>">Homea> • <a href="<{$xoops_url}>/user.php">My
Accounta> • <a class="highlight" href="<{$xoops_url}>/viewpmsg.php">Inboxa> <{php}>
global $xoopsUser;
if( $xoopsUser )
$pm_handler =& xoops_gethandler('privmessage');
$criteria = new CriteriaCompo(new Criteria('read_msg', 0));
$criteria->add(new Criteria('to_userid', $xoopsUser->getVar('uid')));
$pm = $pm_handler->getCount($criteria);
if( $pm )
echo "($pm)n";
<{/php}> •
<a href="<{$xoops_url}>/notifications.php">Notificationsa> •
<a href="<{$xoops_url}>/user.php?op=logout">Logouta>td>
JAVesey wrote:
Thanks Stuie200 - most helpful.
Cool site and theme, btw
sinor wrote:
I think xcgal is a better one.