Re: Donation module with team donation tracking
  • 2007/8/8 19:29

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

I now see this module is Pay Pal intensive. That is not what we want to use...

But thanks - it is a starting code base that I could look at.

Anyone else have any suggestions?

Re: Donation module with team donation tracking
  • 2007/8/3 18:52

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

Thanks for the tip. I'm downloading 1.9b now. If I am reading the dev site correctly, 1.9beta was released in March 2005. Is that really the most recent release?

I'm downloading from here:


Donation module with team donation tracking
  • 2007/8/3 15:07

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

Hi All,

We are planning to use XOOPS for a philanthropic web site, i.e. raising lots of money!

The goal will be for individuals to be part of a team. Each team should be able to track it's donations up through the day of the event. After the day of the event, it should start tracking for next years event.

In addition, we want to let the individuals have a "page" and each team to have a "page." The "page" will have a picture (of the team or individual), their fund-raising goal, total to this point, current supporters, etc.

If anyone knows of a module that will give us some or all of the features mentioned here, please let me know. Even if I have a starting point with some code, that would be really helpful.


Re: Mod Req: Jokes
  • 2007/8/3 14:13

  • chadm

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zyspec has it right on target - We've used citas for several sites and the module works great...

We show the block on our main page and it works great.

The other way we have tackled the random question/answer scenario is to use SmartFAQ by the Smart Factory. We show a block with a random question and it has a few more data entry features like categories that Random Quote module does not include. SmartFAQ is here.

Both work, I suggest you download both and try them out. Each has pros & cons but no complaints about either.

Re: I need a content module
  • 2007/7/27 16:55

  • chadm

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SmartSection is also an option. http://smartfactory.ca/

We have used it in a similar fashion from what you described.

Good Luck - and let us know what you choose.

Re: Portal-Project: Plone or PHP-based Framework
  • 2007/7/17 14:06

  • chadm

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Please let me preface this with I have a limited experience with Plone... However, I did build several sites using Zope (without Plone) and several with Plone included. When a security patch was released for Zope, it often broke my Plone installation. I had to search the Zope error logs and use the history rollback feature several times. Eventually everything worked out but upgrading was a hassle.

In contrast, XOOPS has been fairly easy to upgrade - the core that is... I had to set up several test environments to test it with all of the 3rd party modules I had installed.

Also let me say, I'm looking very seriously at Joomla. It has in production several features that the core of XOOPS has in their new development plans.

All in All, your guess is right, I'd say stick with a PHP/MySQL based solution. XOOPS is my choice because it's what I know best.

Let us know what you choose, I'm interested to know...

I hope that helped..

Apache Benchmark (AB) & Xoops 2.0
  • 2007/4/10 13:31

  • chadm

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We are hosting a fairly large and semi-high traffic XOOPS web site on the platform described below. We have approximately 1500 pageviews a month per our Google Analytics report.

Windows 2003
Apache 2.0.59 (mod_ssl)
MySQL 4.1.21
PHP 4.4.6
IIS6 (proxied from Apache)
Xoops - lots of modules

Here is my issue. Apache AB is returning unexpected results.

AB requesting a static HTML page:
Complete requests: 10
Failed requests: 0

AB requesting a PHP page with a single select from MySQL (Xoops is not involved):
Complete requests: 10
Failed requests: 0

When XOOPS is involved, (request for my main page):
Complete requests: 10
Failed requests: 8

Can anyone speak to the results from Ab? How about suggesting another tool to use for testing the load on the XOOPS site? The apache access log indicates the expected bytes were sent to the "browser." There are no errors in our Apache error log.

Please offer any advice!!


Re: Apache 2.2.4 w/ SSL and proxy to IIS6
  • 2007/3/14 15:00

  • chadm

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We found a simple solution (maybe) ...

We added an index.php file in the top level folder that simple redirects to a URL with ending with default.asp. As Microsoft junkies know, default.asp is typically the file IIS sees as it's "DirectoryIndex."

As long as we have all of the folders with the appropriate index.php file at the top level, we are good to go.

My next step is to write a script to traverse our webroot tree and check for the existence of the index.php file.

Hey - it works!!!


Re: Apache 2.2.4 w/ SSL and proxy to IIS6
  • 2007/3/8 20:54

  • chadm

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  • Since: 2006/6/29

Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know.. I know! Apache rules!

After I started in my current position, I inherited several classic ASP and .NET applications! The philosophy of the group is don't fix what ain't broke. So I'm stuck.

I have moved several of the apps to XOOPS modules and will work on the others as time permits, but projects that earn money always get in the way.. :)

You say, "unusual" - I say this is my "normal!" :)

Thanks for the information.. I'll keep digging.

A directive might solve my problem...

Options -Indexes
ErrorDocument 403 /error/?num=403

ProxyPass /support/ http://thesite.com:1080/folder/
ProxyPassReverse /support/ http://thesite.com:1080/support/

I'll post if we ever get it working...*/

Apache 2.2.4 w/ SSL and proxy to IIS6
  • 2007/3/8 20:09

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

Hi All,

This is not necessarily a XOOPS question but more related to Apache, IIS and mod_proxy.

We have the following installed on the same machine:
Apache 2.2.4, PHP 4.4.4, MySQL 4.17, IIS6

We have a proxy set up for different instances of XOOPS in sub-folders.


I believe there is a bug in mod_proxy.

When the folder xoopsXX is set as a proxy to IIS running on a different port the the URL http://www.mysite.com/xoopsXX./ shows the list of files in the folder and does not proxy to IIS as I expect.

Can anyone help or reply with what I should look for to get a fix?

Thanks for any help!

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