Apache Benchmark (AB) & Xoops 2.0
  • 2007/4/10 13:31

  • chadm

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

We are hosting a fairly large and semi-high traffic XOOPS web site on the platform described below. We have approximately 1500 pageviews a month per our Google Analytics report.

Windows 2003
Apache 2.0.59 (mod_ssl)
MySQL 4.1.21
PHP 4.4.6
IIS6 (proxied from Apache)
Xoops - lots of modules

Here is my issue. Apache AB is returning unexpected results.

AB requesting a static HTML page:
Complete requests: 10
Failed requests: 0

AB requesting a PHP page with a single select from MySQL (Xoops is not involved):
Complete requests: 10
Failed requests: 0

When XOOPS is involved, (request for my main page):
Complete requests: 10
Failed requests: 8

Can anyone speak to the results from Ab? How about suggesting another tool to use for testing the load on the XOOPS site? The apache access log indicates the expected bytes were sent to the "browser." There are no errors in our Apache error log.

Please offer any advice!!


Re: Apache Benchmark (AB) & Xoops 2.0
  • 2007/4/10 16:57

  • JBrown1028

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2007/4/6 1

I am not sure that it is your server causing the problems. I would first start off with:

1. Create a directory called xoopstest
2. Create a NEW database called xoopstest
3. Username and password xoopstest
4. Go to the xoopstest directory and install the new test xoops
5. See if the issues still happen.

I am not a huge php programmer, although it seems as if (Now I am not 100% here) there is a database record lock problem.

In ASP I would get a problem like that if there was a locking problem, or if there was a record that did not have write permissions (usually record locking, or sharing)

If the test XOOPs site works without a problem then that is the problem, if you still get the same errors then accept my apology for waisting your time.


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