Re: Critical Bugs in 2.0.14
  • 2006/7/12 23:12

  • leostotch

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  • Since: 2006/4/1 1

Warning: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler'
cannot be used after 'URL-Rewriter' in file
/include/cp_functions.php line 33

You must be using some kind of URL rewriting hack that cannot be used with gzip compression.
Maybe you didn't see it before because gzip compression was broken in other versions and was always disabled, whatever you had specified in the admin.
Go to preferences/main and disable gzip, that will fix this.

(And notices are notices, not errors...)

Re: Xoops Variables question
  • 2006/7/10 19:45

  • leostotch

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Info about the current user is in a global variable called xoopsUser. The groups this user belongs to can be retrieved using a method of this object called getGroups().
So you could do something like this:
function stuff() {

$groups $xoopsUser->getGroups();
$table $xoopsDB->prefix'mytable' );
$rs $xoopsDB->query"SELECT * FROM $table WHERE yourcol IN( " implode','$groups ) . ")" );


Re: core 2.2.4: token system annoying
  • 2006/7/9 22:47

  • leostotch

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(Not tested but that should work, looking at the file source)

function check($clearIfValid true$token false) {

This should disable the tokens system. However, know that it's a security compromise (not an issue or hole, but it may add to the consequences of some potential vulnerabilites like XSS).

Re: Module development - AddElement
  • 2006/7/9 21:31

  • leostotch

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Using the XoopsForm class, and the related classes in /class/xoopsform/, which includes the addElement method, is the preferred way to create HTML forms in XOOPS.
It's part of the approach of separating content and presentation.

From what I saw of the 2.3 code, skalpa didn't reuse XoopsForm anywhere, and IMHO he was right to make pages as he did.

XoopsForm actually fails to separate busyness logic from presentation logic, as it makes form elements created in PHP code, and thus prevents templates designer to have any real control on the presentation they want to have: if the programer decided that a field should be a selectbox, there is no way to use checkboxes or anything else instead.

The only advantage I see in XoopsForm is the fact it inserts Javascript validation code in the form... however you can obtain the same result by copying the code of the XoopsForm::renderValidationJS method and adapting it a little. You'll get cleaner and faster code (no need to include 120Kb of XoopsForm classes), as well as more customizable templates.

Re: xoops poolc cookie hacked :S
  • 2006/7/9 20:56

  • leostotch

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If you find it, I'd like to use a copy... the sun is getting more and more hot these days

Anyway: I guess you're talking about the "poll" module, but what you wrote doesn't mean anything like this:
what are you talking about ? where, how, what version ?

Re: help me
  • 2006/7/8 11:05

  • leostotch

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Thoses ones are not normal... are you sure you also transferred the content of your local database to your live server correctly ?

Re: CBB Giving Unprocessed Characters
  • 2006/7/7 23:13

  • leostotch

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Well this option should not be used on a live site (it slows everything down), so now that your problem is solved you should turn it off again .

What bender meant is: there is a folder named "template_c" inside XOOPS... you should have deleted its content (all the php files in it, but not the index.html one).

But the result would have been the same: emptying the folder content forces templates to be recompiled once, while the admin option forces Smarty to check if this needs to be done everytime you display a page (which is slow).

Re: Many upgrades, 2.0.7 -> 2.0.14 With questions.
  • 2006/7/7 22:56

  • leostotch

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It completed just fine, but keep in mind I forgot to do the following steps:
# Delete the following folders and files:
* class/smarty/core
* class/smarty/plugins/resource.db.php

My question is, should I redo 2.0.14 because of that?

No, you can even let them if you want to... The point is that 2.0.14 contains a more recent version of the Smarty template engine, and that the Smarty devs decided to rename the "core" folder to "internals".
So, at this point you must have:
- the old (unused) Smarty files in class/smarty/core
- the new Smarty files in class/smarty/internals

So, you could keep the old files, but it's more clean to delete them.
And it's same for resource.db.php: XOOPS devs moved XOOPS-specific plugins to a "xoops_plugins" folder.

And for the prviewing: I looks like it's a known issue. David said that using the should do it (maybe not the 2.0.7 one tho). If I remember correctly, there a link to the correct file in the 2.0.14 news comments.

Re: Upgrading to 2.0.14 gives "500 Internal Server Error"
  • 2006/7/5 19:49

  • leostotch

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Some hosting companies use a PHP cache, changes are not "seen" by the server immediately

Re: PAID MODULE DEV WORK - Looking for an Xoops Mod Dev
  • 2006/7/5 12:48

  • leostotch

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these are the most immediate

Every "experienced RELIABLE" programer would tell you that what you're asking would take months to be done correctly (well... actually really experienced people who have already faced the kind of client who wants months of work to be done in 2 days would run away from such a post, so no wonder you only get contacted by the non-reliable ones).

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