Re: Tabbed Blocks to handle more content needed
  • 2007/1/26 18:14

  • domineaux

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Thanks, I appreciate you all for your responses.

Re: Tabbed Blocks to handle more content needed
  • 2007/1/26 17:38

  • domineaux

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Coffecup.com then go to Free stuff. It's called DHTML menu builder.

I love it. You do have to tweak the locations abit to get set up right on your theme pages. If you have a good theme that keeps you stuff in one place as you move through your site the menu this works well.

PM if you need more info.

Calendar mod with specific requirement
  • 2007/1/26 17:34

  • domineaux

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Site for specialty consultant with unusual request.

A Calendar/Agenda application.

Owner of site wants to maintain a calendar.

Each registered user (not a lot at one time) will each have a calendar. The owner of the site creates a username and password from admin side for all users of the calendar and other special areas of the site. The owner the gives the username and login PW to the respective user.

The owner of the site has a calendar with all the information from all the users with times and appointments set. The owner has a record of his complete appointments calendar updated with all information regarding all appointments with all users in one place.

The users calendar only has the information available to them regarding those times allocated specifically to them with the owner of the site.

Again, the owner of the site has availeable to him/her the complete schedule with all users, and the users have available to them only the information that relates to them.


This is probably not such a specialty mod, because I know several companies that have such tools to keep accurate cross/office in house appointments and meetings.

Anyway, any suggestions are ideas... I'd appreciate reading them.


Advance Search needs filters
  • 2007/1/25 19:34

  • domineaux

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Not a big deal, but how many times have I had my lower extremities chewed for not using SEARCH before posting.

The search needs at least a "from DATE ----- To DATE". I ran a search on my user name and the search started in 2004 with 20 responses, then I clicked the bottom for more, etc, etc. The problem is ---> who has time to wait on a search to work, over and over.

Course everyone knows that.

Re: Tabbed Blocks to handle more content needed
  • 2007/1/25 18:11

  • domineaux

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A couple ideas.

The Tabbed content on the dynamic site mentioned above is a script. That means you have to change the script contents everytime you want to change data in the tabbed content block. A time consuming process to be honest, most of us just don't have.

If we used such a script we would need a tabbed content generation software module that can create or edit content in the script with a copy & paste function for placement of the finished documents in blocks on Xoops.

I have this great little DHTML tool I got from CoffeeCup that I use to create dynamic tiered menus on my sites. It's not the coolest thing you ever used, but it does facilitate the creation of menu item changes very quickly. I poke the script the little application creates into a block and set position for placement within the script. Actually, I use a blank title block, place the script inside the XOOPS custom block. It's so darn easy it defys logic. LOL

If we had an XOOPS type module similar to News, etc. we could create or edit the tabbed content from the admin panel. This would of course be the proper way to do it.
We would need the ability to create multiple blocks of this type.

Also note on the yahoo.com the tabbed content has several links with little thumbnail pictures for accessing further content from each tab page. Yahoo little tabbed blocks are awesome for managing a lot of content.

Tabbed Content blocks could further be enhanced with scrolling data ability. Users could click on a tabbed block and have a scroll presentation of many items of interest. A mouseover could stop the scroll and a click could take the user there.

Competition for keeping interest in our sites becomes more of an issue daily. There are alot of sharp marketers taking on website development very seriously.

Re: Blocks - I want to stack them without titles & header bars
  • 2007/1/25 16:38

  • domineaux

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Thanks this is just what I needed. Great responses.

Tabbed Blocks to handle more content needed
  • 2007/1/25 3:03

  • domineaux

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Anyone know if there is a mod now or someone is working on that builds the tabbed blocks like these?




Blocks - I want to stack them without titles & header bars
  • 2007/1/25 0:49

  • domineaux

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IS there a mod to allow creation of blocks that you can just stack in different block positions on site, which do not have headers, title bars etc. I just want to stack a bunch of odd stuff around on different pages very space efficent.

I like the idea of using blocks that I can create code and modify when I need. This way I don't modify theme files. Also, I'd like to just modify a block or replace it as I need.


Simple Document management and access
  • 2007/1/22 19:36

  • domineaux

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Looking for a module that works simple

Need to store documents as INFORMATION. User will click on the INFORMATION, and a few selections will be provided. This will be a list of appx. 10 documents.

Need to store documents as SERVICES. User will click on the SERVICES, and a few selections will be provided. This will be a list of appx. 10 documents.

Each document needs the abilities of a full Editor for creating the documents and publishing them.

I plan to use a tiered menu with sub-levels for accessing the documents.

The information in the documents will be static, rarely changed after they're posted on the site.


I don't want users to have to work through a structured mod like SmartSections or News. I just want a quick click to the information with a small selection of documents to choose from.

The Iframes will do this with HTML documents, but I'd prefer having a XOOPS mod with permissions and such.

I might be able to use some of the more sophisticated mods for this, but I don't want the users to have to work through a difficult process acquiring or leaving the documents.

Looking in the repository of mods there appear to be many choices for Content mods, which is probably what I'm looking at for this.

Usually a solution would probably not be too difficult. If you go into the mods repository you'll see many of the mods are dated as far back as 2004, and to be honest it's trouble enough when things work straight out.

I'd appreciate ideas or suggestions for a best solution.


Horizontal tiered menu needed
  • 2007/1/22 19:24

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

  • Since: 2002/9/29

I'm looking to put up a MENU just below my banner running horizontal across the page.

I'm not opposed to a DHTML/Javascript/Flash if it'll work with the Xoops.

I could use a few suggestions for a modu that allows tiers up to three levels that looks good of course.


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