Re: Multisite HACK for 2.2.3 Final
  • 2006/4/22 18:47

  • cgunther

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27

Hi Folks,

My experiment with wildcard DNS did not work for the site module. It would work great for something like emmbedding a name or word into a url and still getting to a root site.

So now I am trying a different approach.

My goal is to setup subdomains for a marketing business that sets up subsite for its affiliates.

So the main site would look like:

and the subdomains or subsites would look like:

I want to share everthing on the main site (modules and content) except the users, they would like the subsites to have their own user table so any leads generated are not shared between affiliates.

1. Setting up the subdomain
When I add a subdomain in cpanel it creates a subdirectory in public_html with same name as the subdomain prefix. So the location for http://myname.mainsite.com/ is in a folder called myname or at http://www.mainsite.com/myname/

2. Setting up the redirect or alias
My hosting co. dose not allow access to the httpd.conf file so I am using the .htaccess file to redirect subdomains to the main domain. in each subdomain fold I have place a .htaccess file with the following redirect:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^myname.mainsite.com$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.myname.mainsite.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.mainsite.com/$1 [R=301,L]

This is redirecting any requests for the subdomains to the maindomain and seems to work fine.

3. New installation of XOOPS 2.2.3 upgaded to 2.2.4, added tinyd module, smartpartner module and myalbum-p module.

4. mainfile modification
I changed the line in mainfile.php from

define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://www.mainsite.com');


define('XOOPS_RESCUE_URL', 'http://www.mainsite.com');

5. Setting up the site module
I installed the site module into the mainsite and added a second site with the add site link under the site management tab and entered the info like this:

Site name: myname.mainsite.com
Site URL: http://myname.mainsite.com/
Theme Path: themes
Templates Path: templates_c
Upload Path: uploads
URI Pattern: http://myname.mainsite.com

Shared tables: everything except


I guess I am missing something or missconfiguring, I still only get the http://www.mainsite.com installation even when I enter a subdomain for a url in the browser.

Any thoughts, directions or concepts I am missing?

If I can get it working I would be happy to provide a step by step documentation for this type of installation to this thread or to a site module FAQ.

"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: Multisite HACK for 2.2.3 Final
  • 2006/4/11 21:59

  • cgunther

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27


Thanks for the rapid response! (Don't you guys sleep in Germany?)

My first attempt would only bring up the main installation as the redirect on the subdomain at the hosting co changed the url to the main domain before it arrived at the XOOPS mainfile.

I have contacted the host and separate ip's are not an option. They suggested a wildcard DNS setup that directs requests for "anything".domain.com to the root of the account or to domain.com. Support tells me that the url will remain intact.

I will try it again after the wildcard DNS is setup and see if the site module can sort it out with this setup.

I will keep you posted on the result.

"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: Multisite HACK for 2.2.3 Final
  • 2006/4/11 20:04

  • cgunther

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27

@ deepy,

You helped me in the past with a CBB issue and I ended up switching to another host. Thanks you.

You seem to have the best understanding of this module out of all replies to this thread. My question is this, my new hosting co. allows unlimited subdomains and the sub domains can stad alone in their own directory or be redirected to any other directory; can this type of redirection be used as a setup for the multisite module or will the URI in the mainfile not recognize the subsite pattern because of the redirect? Without XOOPS installed I can make any subdomain go to the main domain, but the URL also switches to that of the main domain. If what I think is correct, it will not work because XOOPS would see all requests as directed the the main domain because of the redirect that occurs before XOOPS gets the request. Do you have any suggestion or work arounds for cpanel enabled hosts that might help this work?

"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Subscriptions vs. xasset vs. amember - What is the general consensus?
  • 2006/4/6 21:52

  • cgunther

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  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27

Hi All,

I need put a subscription gateway in to place for an organization that wishes to use it for managing paid memberships and also to govern access to restricted content. I need to have it take MasterCard and Visa and clear the transaction through a gateway product called payssl (provided by http://www.ecomshare.com). I had a payment module authored to work with payssl for zencart that took minimal effort and works well. I would prefer to work with a XOOPS module(xasset or subscriptions) rather than an outside product set to work with the XOOPS database(amember). I'm looking for feed back from the community on experience with any of these modules. I am interested to know about developer support and ease of understanding in regards to making a custom payment gateway for any of these products. I have a limited budget provided by the non-profit organization that needs the module, to have the payment gateway written. The resulting work would be offered to the original module developer as donated additional payment gateway to include in the module's distribution.


Your thoughts, suggestions?

"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: why are Anonymous users browsing system?
  • 2006/3/15 21:39

  • cgunther

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  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27

Yes. My site does the same and no start module is set.
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: Re: CBB 2.32a Could not insert forum post
  • 2006/2/3 21:20

  • cgunther

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  • Since: 2005/3/27

Had to work on another project for a bit but I'm back to this one.

My sql table is identical to the sample posted by deepy.
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: Re: CBB 2.32a Could not insert forum post
  • 2006/1/31 21:50

  • cgunther

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  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27

CBB Version before upgrade was 1.13

sql error:
INSERT INTO mydatabasename_bb_posts ( post_id, pid, topic_id, forum_id, post_time, uid, poster_ip, poster_name, subject, dohtml, dosmiley, doxcode, doimage, dobr, icon, attachsig, attachment, approved, post_karma, require_reply) VALUES (0, 91, 45, 15, 1138741614, 1, 414230653, '', 'Re: Solar for Computers', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', 1, '', 1, 0, 0)
Error number: 2013
Error message: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
( 0.010761)

I did a check/repair on the MySQL tables and found no errors.
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: Re: CBB 2.32a Could not insert forum post
  • 2006/1/31 19:34

  • cgunther

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27

Thanks for trying. I have cleared the cache and templates_c, updated the module, verified the correct version (2.32a), reset and applied the default permission template and still no ability to post new topics or reply from ANY login. All of the forum information is displaying as it did previous to the update, I just can't add anything new.

Stumped and switching to a different forum in a week. The member board that I report to is demanding this.
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

Re: CBB 2.32a Could not insert forum post
  • 2006/1/25 23:25

  • cgunther

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  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27

Bumpity - bump - bump - bump!

Still can't post to forum under any profile...brain reeeealy hurts now!
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

CBB 2.32a Could not insert forum post
  • 2006/1/23 18:37

  • cgunther

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 59

  • Since: 2005/3/27

I have recently upgraded a site to XOOPS 2.2.3a. This update also included update of CBB to version 2.32a. I have not had any problems with other modules or site functions with the 2.2.3a version of xoops, however CBB is not letting any user post to the forum. I ran the update script and reset all of the forum permissions, I also checked in the XOOPS admin groups to make sure permissions were correct. No posts, topics or categories are missing. The error I get on submitting a post says, "Could not insert forum post." Any ideas?
"Your motherboard wears Army chips"

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