Re: Html box in banner section?
  • 2003/8/19 17:24

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5

I think this is right....
In previous versions of Xoops, in order to display banners, you "had" to have a banner image to go with it.... that didn't go too well for those who do the banner exchange thing and had a javascript, or some html supplied by the exchange.... so, in the current verison, the ability to use HTML instead of a banner is now supported..... which brings me to the answer to your original question.... instead of adding the banner, simply use the a href = "your site" w/o the target element, and you should be good to go.
DISCLAIMER: I have not had the chance to try this, so I cannot/will not guarantee it will work. It is based on what I suspect to be true.

Re: WF-Sections V1 Released
  • 2003/7/9 0:51

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5


Catzwolf wrote:
IMHO, This is probably the heavest use of WF-Section I have ever seen on a website and probably the best place to go if you want to see WF-Section in Action.


Question on the WYSIWYG, does the editor work as it should? ie Am I getting closer with what you write is what you see in the article?

aw, geez....

Thanks for the kudos, which I send right back. W/o wfSections, our site wouldn't be possible. I'd would hav had to write it myself!

I haven't had any issues with the WYSIWYG editor... wasn't aware there were any.
But, since we are on the issue of questions & the editor, is the pagebreak tag a wfs thing? or is that something built into Xoops? Also, I noticed that the url for page 2 reads &page=1 and page three is &page=2 and so on.... with page 1 being, &page=0..... doesn't seem quite right, esp if you are trying to link to something & you know what page it's on.... If it's something in Xoops, I can try to take a whack at it (I want to extend the funtionality of the pagebreak tag), if it's something in wfs, then I'll pass it on to you (since I think it's something that would be kinda neat to include.)


Re: Banner click go's back to strange login screen
  • 2003/7/8 18:00

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5


gservo wrote:
I dont want to create a security hole on my site, so i am going to keep the banners off till i find an alternitive method of fixing this, or figure out why it stopped working in the first place...

Use the second option ktshen mentioned..... using that method, you will not need register globals turned on.

Re: Zentrack Xoops module help please
  • 2003/7/8 17:58

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5

OOOH, Owch!
That's a server setting, which means the host will need to change it, BUT....
Turning it on can be risky and most (good) host will not turn it on as it can lead to some very unsafe code being run on the system.
You may want to (if possible) contact the author and see if they can re-write it to work with register globals off.


Re: WF-Sections V1 Released
  • 2003/7/8 17:44

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5

Should any one want to see what wfSections can do, follow the link in my sig to DeveloperKB.com.... click the KB Articles link in the menu.

Re: WF-Sections V1 Released
  • 2003/7/3 13:13

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5


Wolfie wrote:

Whevener i try to install wf-s*, i get this error:


Installing wfsection

is not a valid SQL!

Unable to install wfsection. Error(s):

This is a known issue, and I'm sure Catzwolf will get it straightened out. In the meantime, open the SQL file and remove all COMMENT LINES (those that begin w/ a '#'). That will solve the install issue.

Re: WF-Sections V1 Released
  • 2003/7/1 22:02

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5

That's wht I thought.... thanks for confirming it. ;)

Re: WF-Sections V1 Released
  • 2003/7/1 21:49

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5

Right, the 0.9.2 is the older Xoops1 version.... in order to use the new v1 version of WFS, you'll need to run at least Xoops2.0.2..... I don't think it will run on anything older than that.

Re: WF-Sections V1 Released
  • 2003/7/1 18:59

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5

Actually the original version had been done for previous XOOPS version. This v1 is for use with XOOPS 2.0.2 at least. It does now use the smarty templating system and probably will not work on your 1.3.x XOOPS site. BUT, if Catzwolf ever does get his website back up, then you might be able to download the older verion.

Re: WF-Sections V1 Released
  • 2003/6/29 20:46

  • techgnome

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 51

  • Since: 2002/8/9 5

I figured out my Big Story problem..... the publish dates are off :) ... therefor none of my articles qualify as big articles of the day.... hehehe....

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