Re: extcal calendar module. Extra characters showing.
  • 2005/4/14 21:46

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Ok. Here is what I got so far.

I had to turn ON the option for
Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory? in admin/preferences/general settings.

I was changing the extcal templates and updating the module through the admin, but the changes weren't showing, until I turn the above setting to "ON".

Now for the fixes I found. I am probably doing it wrong, but these worked for me.
Daily view is displayng this Friday April 29 2005d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

in extcal/templates/extcal_daily_view.html
<t<{if $current_day.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$week_lang}> <{$current_day.name}>t><{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>

<t<{if $current_day.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$week_lang}><{$current_day.name}>t>


Weekly view is displaying this Week 14d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

in extcal/templates/extcal_weekly_view.html
<t<{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$week_lang}> <{$current_week.week_nb}>t><{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>

<t<{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$week_lang}><{$current_week.week_nb}>t>


Monthly view is displaying this April 2005d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

in extcal/templates/extcal_monthly_view.html
<t<{if $current_month.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$current_month.month_name}> <{$current_month.year}>t><{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>

<t<{if $current_month.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$current_month.month_name}> <{$current_month.year}>t>


Yearly view is displaying this 2005h>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "h>" ?

in extcal/templates/extcal_yearly_view.html
<t<{if $current_year.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$current_year.year}>t><{if $current_year.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>

<t<{if $current_year.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$current_year.year}>t>


Calendar view is displaying this April 2005h>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "h>" ?

in extcal/templates/extcal_calendar_view.html
<t<{if $current_month.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig' colspan='3'><{$current_month.name}> <{$current_month.year}>t><{if $current_month.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>

<t<{if $current_month.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig' colspan='3'><{$current_month.name}> <{$current_month.year}>t>


That's all I could fix for now.

If someone could please point me to where the timestamp is defined in this module, maybe I could get the other issues solved. I have looked in almost every folder and file and I couldn't not find anywhere that looks like a fimilar timestamp code.

Any ideas???

Looking for a classified ads module
  • 2005/4/14 5:59

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21


I'm looking for a classified ads module for my new site.

Reason= I'm building a site aimed at my local communtiy as a communtiy portal. Our local paper has gone to sky high rates for classifieds ads ($80 for a 1 week listing in any vehicle category). So I want to offer a free alternative for local residents. I might possibly put a donation block in the classifieds, if the traffic increase effects my hosting bill, but it will be a free feature reguardless.

Features that it has to have:
1. Ability for all visitors to fill out a submission form to place their ad. (If it becomes attacked by internet spammers, I'll have to change to registered users only access to the form.)
2. That form will be held for review/approval by webmaster group. (would work sort of like the comments need approval feature of most all other modules)(I am very busy and I don't have time to manually add listings from email submissions, so a form and approval system on the site is a MUST)
3. An expiration feature that will automatically remove/delete the ad after a chosen time. (3 day, 1 week, weekly increments, monthly, etc. choices would be nice but atleast a 1 week limit should be standard) (an Excellent feature would be if the submitter was given some kind of code or reference number that they could use later to delete their own ad in case it sells quickly)
4. A clean looking index page that displays all the categories. (a 3 column layout in the center block would be nice)(an index page like xdirectory would be a perfect starting point. The categories display is real nice and the submision form is linked right there at the top)
5. Multiple categories and sub categories would be nice.

Others feature that would be a great addition but not a must right now:
1. Photo upload feature for submitters.
2. Maybe a feature that holds the expired listings for like 3 days after expiration to allow the submitter to return and re-activate the listing it if didn't sell.
3. The ability for submitters to edit the price after it is listed.
4. Notification feature like other modules
5. Maybe a couple blocks, like a newly listed block displaying the title of the 1-10 newest listings.
6. Maybe a reputation voting system for the registered users that sold something, sort of like Ebays rating feature.
7. Ability to change the form fields from the admin side. (a form generator like in the Liaise module would be the bomb!)
8. An option in the admin to set up a paid service. (I wouldn't need it but I know alot of xoopers would love this addition)
9. Maybe a free stanard ad and a pay for extra features option. (Like a highlighted ad, bold, top of list, what ever.)

If you made a this classified ads module I'm sure many people would be making entire sites out of it. Could be a cornerstone for a commerce type XOOPS site.

If there is already a classifieds module out there that has the first set of features I mentioned, PLease point there to go to get it. If not, maybe someone would want to try changing an exsisting module , or (choke) build a new one?

In any case, it would be a great module tat I am looking for.
What do you all think? I don't ask for much do I?

extcal calendar module. Extra characters showing.
  • 2005/4/14 0:14

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21


I installed the extcal calendar module and love it so far. But I am having a problem with a few of the displays.

Daily view is displayng this Friday April 29 2005d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

Weekly view is displaying this Week 14d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

Monthly view is displaying this April 2005d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

Yearly view is displaying this 2005h>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "h>" ?

Calendar view is displaying this April 2005h>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "h>" ?

Also, in Daily view the incriments of the are broken into times. How can I get it to display 12hour format like "7:00 pm"? Instead of it's current format of "2H00". I don't even know what 2H00 means, so how would my visitors?

Also, Maybe this would be fixed by fixing the above issues, but if not...how do I change the time stamp for the module to display all time displays as 12 hour format with the am or pm. like 7:00 pm for example.

I found this in the source code from the browser window from the daily_view.php page

Friday April 29 2005d>
Saturday April 30 2005   left arrow


It shows the "d>" like it is an open code somewhere. But I looked at the daily_view.php file and I think this is the area to look, but don't know what I'm looing for.

$previewDayArray = array('year'=>$prevDayNavig->thisYear(), 'month'=>$prevDayNavig->thisMonth(), 'day'=>$prevDayNavig->thisDay(), 'name'=>$date->makeDate($prevDayNavig->thisDay(true)) );
$currentDayArray = array('selected'=>$current_day_selected, 'name'=>$date->makeDate($dayNavig->thisDay(true)) );
$nextDayArray = array('year'=>$nextDayNavig->thisYear(), 'month'=>$nextDayNavig->thisMonth(), 'day'=>$nextDayNavig->thisDay(), 'name'=>$date->makeDate($nextDayNavig->thisDay(true)) );

I also looked in the templates/extcal_daily_view.html file and I think this is the area responsible for the problem, but I don't know what I'm looking for.

left arrow   <{$preview_day.name}>
h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$week_lang}> <{$current_day.name}><{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>
<{$next_day.name}>   left arrow

<{foreach from=$day item=hour}>


Any thoughts?

Re: Sections module and Internet Explorer problem
  • 2005/4/13 23:25

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Oops, one more thing. There was an image trying to display on the sections/index.php?op=listarticles&secid= page (the page inside a category that lists all the articles)

But I found the problem (thanks to ackbarr's help with my first problem). So if anyone else is having this similar problem.

Go to /modules/sections/index.php
at about line 73 delete the following code.
echo "


Re: Sections module and Internet Explorer problem
  • 2005/4/13 22:56

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Thanks Ackbarr! That worked perfectly!


Sections module and Internet Explorer problem
  • 2005/4/13 20:28

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21


First off, I am using XOOPS v 2.0.9, Apache version 1.3.33 (Unix), PHP version 4.3.10, MySQL version 4.0.24-standard.

I'm trying to use Sections module as a 2nd article modoule (wfsections is my first article module).

I have two categories (sections) displayed on the sections/index.php page. When using NS 7 or Firefox I can see the categories listed, but when viewing with Internet explorer There is only a block with a red X and name of the category (looks like a broken image displaying the alt tag) for each one of the categories.

I didn't think that the category titles were published as images? But they seem to be when using IE. I thought I remebered a problem with IE and Newbb images discussed a while back on here, but I can't find it to reference and see if that is the same problem I am having with Sections v 1.

I ran phpdebug--no problems there.

Any Ideas?


Re: Directory with multiple level categories
  • 2005/2/12 16:42

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Thanks again Richard.

Incase any other newbies are looking to do the same, here is what I found.

to remove the link from the headline you have to go to templates/weblinks_linklist.html and change this by removing the red line shown below.

<{if $link.flag_url == 1}>



That removes the hotlink from the Title in the list of listings.

To remove the hotlink from the title of listing itself, you will also have to go to templates/weblinks_link.html modify the following.

<{if $link.flag_url == 1}>




Then go to the modules admin and update the weblinks module.

There is probably a better way or cleaner way of doing this, but this worked for me.


Re: Directory with multiple level categories
  • 2005/2/12 3:53

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Ok I am using the Weblinks module.

Is there a way to turn off the url in the website title? I want the directory to only display the website title as a "title" and not be clickable. The links to the person's website (if they have a website) will be clickable from the description section where they give their contact details.

So the listing would look like this,

title= 518 Capitol NY Region

John Doe
Hefty Credit services
222 2nd street
Albany, NY 19515

ww w.bettercredit.neet

Hi there, I have been credit managing for 100 years,
Blah Blah blah...

I hope I can serve you, blah blah

I want to use this directory as a service finder directory and not a link directory. The only clickable links I want are from in the body of the listing.

Any ideas how to turn off the linking function from the title area? I've looked in the admin panels and can't find anything in there that does this; I've looked through the php files, but I don't know exactly what I'm looking for, so I didn't find anything there. And I can't find any post here at XOOPS that discuss this.


Re: Simplified URLs Hack
  • 2005/2/11 4:35

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

I have no Idea how Jeeves found me or why they are so into me? I beleive Jeeves is a paid submission process, and I don't pay for submissions, so I am stumped??

Jeeves doesn't even visit my other website, and it is 2 years old.

On my html site, robots stats is showing for this month
google is 8048 hits and 118MB
MSNBot is 2565 hits and 55MB
Slurp is 1439 hits and 15MB

So Google is my best friend! But maybe Jeeves will be on my new site, but I don't think more people will use jeeves, than Google, so Google will probably stay King for me anyway.

Although, who knows how this new Microsoft search thing will work out?? They may take Google's #1 posistion if their new search is as good as they think is is. I doubt it though, it is still MS and they can't change that.


Re: Simplified URLs Hack
  • 2005/2/11 4:18

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Wow, 2 repies at the same time.

Wardick, I just like the look of the - better. So I guess it was for my own benefit.
-end edited-

Nevermind It's too late, Google has me crawled, indexed, and I'm getting visitors from Google.

I think this url fix works good though. My robot stats are showing;

Google is hitting me everyday, 4853 hits and 75MB in the last week.

AskJeeves has 1326 hits and 18MB.

MSN and Slurp are not to good yet, only about 30 hits and 500 KB.

Hopefully they will catch up, but I am not holding my breath. My other website is getting 1500 people a day, and 800 are from SE's, with Google leading with 600, then Yahoo at 100, then MSN 75. then others making up the rest. Google is definatly the king, for now.


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