extcal calendar module. Extra characters showing.
  • 2005/4/14 0:14

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21


I installed the extcal calendar module and love it so far. But I am having a problem with a few of the displays.

Daily view is displayng this Friday April 29 2005d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

Weekly view is displaying this Week 14d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

Monthly view is displaying this April 2005d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

Yearly view is displaying this 2005h>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "h>" ?

Calendar view is displaying this April 2005h>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "h>" ?

Also, in Daily view the incriments of the are broken into times. How can I get it to display 12hour format like "7:00 pm"? Instead of it's current format of "2H00". I don't even know what 2H00 means, so how would my visitors?

Also, Maybe this would be fixed by fixing the above issues, but if not...how do I change the time stamp for the module to display all time displays as 12 hour format with the am or pm. like 7:00 pm for example.

I found this in the source code from the browser window from the daily_view.php page

Friday April 29 2005d>
Saturday April 30 2005   left arrow


It shows the "d>" like it is an open code somewhere. But I looked at the daily_view.php file and I think this is the area to look, but don't know what I'm looing for.

$previewDayArray = array('year'=>$prevDayNavig->thisYear(), 'month'=>$prevDayNavig->thisMonth(), 'day'=>$prevDayNavig->thisDay(), 'name'=>$date->makeDate($prevDayNavig->thisDay(true)) );
$currentDayArray = array('selected'=>$current_day_selected, 'name'=>$date->makeDate($dayNavig->thisDay(true)) );
$nextDayArray = array('year'=>$nextDayNavig->thisYear(), 'month'=>$nextDayNavig->thisMonth(), 'day'=>$nextDayNavig->thisDay(), 'name'=>$date->makeDate($nextDayNavig->thisDay(true)) );

I also looked in the templates/extcal_daily_view.html file and I think this is the area responsible for the problem, but I don't know what I'm looking for.

left arrow   <{$preview_day.name}>
h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$week_lang}> <{$current_day.name}><{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>
<{$next_day.name}>   left arrow

<{foreach from=$day item=hour}>


Any thoughts?

Re: extcal calendar module. Extra characters showing.
  • 2005/4/14 21:46

  • rob777

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 45

  • Since: 2005/1/21

Ok. Here is what I got so far.

I had to turn ON the option for
Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory? in admin/preferences/general settings.

I was changing the extcal templates and updating the module through the admin, but the changes weren't showing, until I turn the above setting to "ON".

Now for the fixes I found. I am probably doing it wrong, but these worked for me.
Daily view is displayng this Friday April 29 2005d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

in extcal/templates/extcal_daily_view.html
<t<{if $current_day.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$week_lang}> <{$current_day.name}>t><{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>

<t<{if $current_day.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$week_lang}><{$current_day.name}>t>


Weekly view is displaying this Week 14d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

in extcal/templates/extcal_weekly_view.html
<t<{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$week_lang}> <{$current_week.week_nb}>t><{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>

<t<{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$week_lang}><{$current_week.week_nb}>t>


Monthly view is displaying this April 2005d>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "d>" ?

in extcal/templates/extcal_monthly_view.html
<t<{if $current_month.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$current_month.month_name}> <{$current_month.year}>t><{if $current_week.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>

<t<{if $current_month.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$current_month.month_name}> <{$current_month.year}>t>


Yearly view is displaying this 2005h>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "h>" ?

in extcal/templates/extcal_yearly_view.html
<t<{if $current_year.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$current_year.year}>t><{if $current_year.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>

<t<{if $current_year.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig'><{$current_year.year}>t>


Calendar view is displaying this April 2005h>
What is that and How do I get rid of the "h>" ?

in extcal/templates/extcal_calendar_view.html
<t<{if $current_month.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig' colspan='3'><{$current_month.name}> <{$current_month.year}>t><{if $current_month.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}>>

<t<{if $current_month.selected}>h<{else}>d<{/if}> class='navig' colspan='3'><{$current_month.name}> <{$current_month.year}>t>


That's all I could fix for now.

If someone could please point me to where the timestamp is defined in this module, maybe I could get the other issues solved. I have looked in almost every folder and file and I couldn't not find anywhere that looks like a fimilar timestamp code.

Any ideas???


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