News for specific groups


I've been looking, and haven't able to find a news module that lets you set permissions for individual news stories. For example, a news item that only the members of the "Group b" can see.

Ideally, when posting a news item, at the bottom it would show a list of groups that person belong to, and they can choose which groups can see the story.

Any ideas?

Re: PD-Links wont categorise links

What I learned from this experience is that if you find a module you like in the repository, you should go to the developer's site and see if they have a newer version there.

How come the repository has been close for so long?

PD-Downloads and max file size


I don't have a lot of space in the server, so I want to limit the max file size of uploads to 200KB (in php.ini is set to 2MB).

I tried to change the module's preferences, but it keeps reseting to 2MB. If php.ini sets the max file size, why put it as an option in the preferences?

I though of maybe going to the DB and changing it manually, but I can't find where it's being stored...

Any ideas?

Re: PD-Links wont categorise links

Babelfish was kinda helpful, but those translation aren't very good. That post on the forum didn't help, but I found a link on the site to a revision of PD-Links. This other version fixed my problems:

PD-Links 1.0a

Re: PD-Links wont categorise links

I tried the link provided by bender, but it takes me to a German forum home page.

I don't speak German (although I can see some posts about this issue). Can anyone point to a solution in English ?


Canadian hosting


For reasons I don't really want to get into, I'm looking for shared host in Canada (the servers should be in Canada). It's for a XOOPS site that will have videos (so we need a generous amount of space).

Does anyone have a recommendation?

Has anyone tried hostpapa, ubhosting, upscalehost?


Re: What Am I Missing?

It's one of two things: permissions are not set properly, or the path to the images is not set properly.

View the source of the generated document. If the paths to images look right, then it may be a permissions thing (not in an accessible directory).

You may also try to access the images directly with your browser to see what happens.

Ask the sys admin about the permissions on the server. It may be that they don't allow certain folders to be viewed from outside of the local network.

Re: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object

the only error it shows is:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /mypath/modules/recette/class/class.newsstory.php on line 127

It also does it for the home page when I use some of the recette module blocks.

Any ideas what could be wrong?

It it the module or the PHP installation?

Re: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object

The module is Recette.

The error is really weird, because when the module has first installed, it was working fine, but as soon as the first recipe was entered, the home page for that module went blank. You can still use the submit and archive pages of that module, and blocks on the home page for that module still work.

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object

I know a lot has been written on the subject, but I don't understand why I get this error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in...

I read the
FAQ entry about it, but my server admin says the server doesn't have Zend optimizer installed, and the error doesn't happen in the config file, but in the home page of a module (the other pages of the same module still work).

I also read that it can happen if you have an old version of PHP, but the version installed is 4.4.4

So what could be the problem?

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