marcionline wrote:
In fact, this archive would to be in this folder. I suggest that you download the module of the site of the publisher and upload the file.
A: Go to newbb/include/plugin.php
// requiring "name" field for anonymous users in edit form
$GLOBALS["xoopsModuleConfig"]["require_name"] = true;
// display "register or login to post" for anonymous users
$GLOBALS["xoopsModuleConfig"]["show_reg"] = true;
// perform forum/topic synchronization on module update
$GLOBALS["xoopsModuleConfig"]["syncOnUpdate"] = false;
// redirect to its URI of an attachment when requested
// Set to true if your attachment would be corrupted after download with normal way
$GLOBALS["xoopsModuleConfig"]["download_direct"] = false;
// Set the default editor
$GLOBALS["xoopsModuleConfig"]["editor_default"] = "";
// MENU handler
/* You could remove anyone by commenting out in order to disable it */
$valid_menumodes = array(
0 => _MD_MENU_SELECT, // for selectbox
1 => _MD_MENU_CLICK, // for "click to expand"
2 => _MD_MENU_HOVER // for "mouse hover to expand"
davidl2 wrote:
Here we go again....
It was removed because: it confused some people, it slowed down the module (not the image - but the queries relating to it I would guess) and finally it's not removed - but it's present when you hit submit.
If you want to keep the button... don't upgrade.
m0nty wrote:
yup you missed reading the comments in the news article.. lol
tedsmith wrote: