Modules: Netquery v3.3 Release Candidate

Posted by: RVirtueOn 2006/1/27 0:51:51 6356 reads
Release candidate downloads* for Netquery version 3.3, the complete PHP/SQL open-source toolkit of network information utilities, are currently available at . When asked for a user name and password, enter both as "pretest" without the quotes. (This is just to prevent casual unintended downloads of pre-release packages.) If you prefer FTP downloading, you can go to and enter "" as the user name and "pretest" as the password, again without the quotes.

Netquery version 3.3 introduces selectable stylesheet options and an entirely new interface for end users and for site administrators. Netquery CSS stylesheets, both those supplied (8) and any added by site designers, are all listed in the configuration control panel for administrator selection. In all cases, outputs are now displayed in styled tabular format and inputs now use form fieldsets with links to contextual user help available within each fieldset legend. This update is intended to enhance Netquery's "out-of-the-box" appearance and to make all editions more readily adaptable to various CMS themes and to the preferences of individual web site managers.

On-line demos (links at ) of all Netquery editions are currently running the v.3.3 pre-release. But, if you want to try the admin interface and see the results of selecting various "skins" for yourself, you'll need your own copy.

All current Netquery editions are fully compliant with W3C XHTML 1.1 standards. (Validation at that level is contingent on CMS versioning and on other external environment factors.) The Netquery v3.3 complete package download also includes updated GeoIP data based on MaxMind's latest (2006-01-01) free CSV release adapted and optimized for Netquery's SQL database operations. Netquery now requires PHP version 4.1 or later and it is fully compatible with PHP 5.0 and 5.1 defaults. If upgrading, please delete and replace all existing files. Some old ones could cause problems if not removed.

* All pre-release download packages are provided for testing and comment only and, while release candidates are believed to be stable, they are not intended for general distribution, nor for use in production environments. Comments may be posted here or in the relevant section of the VIRtech forums at .

Thank you in advance for your interest and for your helpful contributions to Netquery's development.

Richard Virtue