Re: Very Serious Display Issues
  • 2006/5/1 0:09

  • hyperpod

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More than likely it is the css and color definitions for the block display. IE is not fully CSS compliant. So, when using a lot of cutomization through CSS, you have to do a lot of tweaking to get it just right. Also, if color names are used opposed to color hex values, you can have trouble there as well. Rest assured, it has nothing to do with XOOPS and has everything to do with IE.

Very true.

And just to second that, keep in mind; IE has many problems with CSS.

Just doing a google search about IE CSS issues, and you can find many problems that IE has with CSS that are very hard to fix.

I wish IE was more standards compliant, since so many people choose to use it.

Please spread the word to everyone. Use FireFox.

Best reagrds,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: How do I get one module only
  • 2006/5/1 0:01

  • hyperpod

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Do you mean you only want one module to show in the Main Menu block or do you only want one block to show in the left blocks?
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Need to Upgrade Xoops sites fr to current ?
  • 2006/4/30 23:03

  • hyperpod

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can you patch?

After backing up your site, i would do the following:

With these patches:

go from:

XOOPS 2.0.10 to 2.0.12a Patch

XOOPS 2.0.12a to 2.0.13 Patch

XOOPS 2.0.13 to Patch

XOOPS to upgrade

Are you wanting to go to a later version of xoops? then you can do that from here.

Not sure if that helps.

Hope so.
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: How to make initial XOOPS URL 'friendlier'
  • 2006/4/30 20:17

  • hyperpod

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Do not set a default module.

Use blocks on front page to point into modules you want to link front page to.

That is how to do it.

Best regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Profiles module
  • 2006/4/30 10:22

  • hyperpod

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Thank you, that is very encouraging.

Looks like you are getting good use out of it.

Glad to see that.

I have added categories in the latest version im working on... So that will hopefully work nicely for your application.

Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Profiles module
  • 2006/4/30 9:38

  • hyperpod

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I am now starting developmnent again on the Profiles module I started last year.

In the past I tried to use CVS with disasterous results.

I noticed now Sourceforge is using Subversion and XOOPS team has gone back to using SF/Subversion.

This is great to see!!

I think I will have better luck with subversion for some reason.

I would really like to post Profiles into the modules version control system so that i can get some people to test it for me..

Its like 90% done but needs some clean up..

I need to get a fresh XOOPS site going with the latest stable version and then setup a test area for module development and then connect that to subversion under the XOOPS modules.

Does anyone have any tips for me?

I hope to get it up soon so i can release Profiles, debug it, clean it up and finalize Profiles 1.0

Then I can also start adding features to it..

Keep in mind, Profiles is not a user only module.

It can be used to Profile anything. http://www.Intense4x4.com is using the module to let users profile their rigs.

It has like 101 other uses as well, I've noticed.

If anyone would like to test this module with me, look for the for testing release soon. I would like to take input and get 1.0 done. Then i want to take feature requests and expand from there.

Donations are welcome for this project at http://www.hyperpod.net

It will be released for free tho and anyone will be able to download it.

Thanks xoopsers.
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Any module requests?
  • 2006/4/30 9:03

  • hyperpod

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robot wrote:

hyperpod wrote:

If you have any ideas or needs, let me know.

I am working on a site that would update users with upcoming cultural events.


The module that I envision would be required is a combination of Yellow Pages module and Calendar + Events module.

Separate modules with the above mentioned functionality exist, but no single module that works together.

Ideally I would want to have a record of a Place/Location (such a theater, or club), and then when there is an Event that takes place in this Place, I would just pick it from the list (instead of entering information about the location every time).

I imagine it would be useful if the information stored in the "Yellow Pages" section of a module about the Place/Lotion (such as address, phone number, website), would automatically be displayed in the Event.

If anyone has been working on something similar, please let me know your ideas, or share your experience.

thank you

If I added Events to my Profiles module, then this would work great!

The nice thing about the Profiles module I am working on is that it can be used to prfile anything... not just people. So places, things, people, users can all be profiled.

Maybe a simple events module can be modified to work with Profiles.

This would be the optimum solution.
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Any module requests?
  • 2006/4/30 9:00

  • hyperpod

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Another idea I'd love to see become a module: some way of having a block on the homepage (or anywhere else) that 'spotlights' a user. this is for community oriented sites. say you give the option to users to be on the homepage for a day, so they become more known on the community (or get contacted by other users). I'd make some kind of page where users express their interest to be on the 'spotlight' (and maybe add some text about them, admins can limit the number of characters or this text). The admin would see on a page all the users that want to participate and each day chooses one (the system remebers which one were already shown and takes them out of the list). It would be cool to have the option of automatically select one user every day (or every x time. this is for times when you cant/dont want to have to choose one daily). the 'spotlight' would be the user pic/avatar (option to only choose users with pic/avatar) linked to their profile and some profile text, or the text that they enter when they 'add themselves' to the users list.

This sounds like a perfect feature to add to my Profiles module. I will consider adding it.
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Any module requests?
  • 2006/4/26 20:37

  • hyperpod

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What needs to be updated on xcgallery?
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

Re: Any module requests?
  • 2006/4/26 20:36

  • hyperpod

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Wouldnt it be easier to simply make the PMs notify one email address.

Then just make each site notify the same email address.

This seems like it would be easier than making all the sites add a new PM module.

What do you think?
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
Free XOOPS Support > My Wish List

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