Hi everyone,
I have been using XOOPS 2.0.7 for more than a year now.
My site keeps crashing when I get a good link from sites that bring lots of visitors. The server cannot handle it.
Apparently, if I activate the cache for the various modules (such as news, articles, stats ...) that would help, as it would lessen the number of processes the system has to do, thus easing pressure on the RAM.
What I wanted to know was this:
If I have put cache to update once every hour and then add new content to the site faster than once every hour, will the new site content replace the old cache with the new cache automatically before the hour is up or will the cache not automatically update until the next hour?
Basically, I want to know if I activate cache would it mean that the site's viwers would see an older version of the site until cache is cleared out, or whether the cache always holds the latest version of the site.
I would appreciate help from anyone who thinks they know a thing or two about this cache business, since I don't seem to know enough, and I don't want to harm my site by turning cache on when I shouldn't.