Re: Status of Yogurt Module?
  • 2008/10/16 16:06

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Any devs still working on this project???

Another thread on Yogurt really needs to be addressed as well:

Are updates in the works?

Status of Yogurt Module?
  • 2008/10/14 0:50

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Last I saw, there was a serious exploit potential with this promising module. And then silence....

Is this module going to be re-released?

Will it integrate nicely with the 2.3.1 user fields?

Will we be able to edit the templates easily?

I'd hate to see a great module stop development. :(

Re: Yogurt 3.2 Heading Font Size
  • 2008/9/11 19:19

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I had the same issue. The css isn't very clear.... But since the sql injection was found I've put that module on the backburner waiting for a new release. Hopefully that will come soon.

The other major issue is that TRIBE is hardcoded in some places rather than in the language files. Those instances really need to get changed too.

Two Requests for CBB/NewBB
  • 2008/9/9 23:38

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Please take a look at this forum:

Of note are the inline polls (very slick) and the avatar icons (multiple). I'm really amazed that this is the only place I've seen features like these. They really need to be used by more forums!!!

I'd LOVE to have real poll/questionnaire functionality in Xoops. Rather than continue copying the rest of the forums, would it be possible to branch in a different direction like these folks did?

I would really like to be able to have multiple icons per person under their avatar. Just little 25x25 images that users could choose themselves to show what they are interested in.

Re: trabis account has been hacked
  • 2008/9/4 19:17

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The name of the Admin doing the edit will be inserted into "Interests" field.

Interesting. I had this happen on a recent site I created locally and then uploaded to host. It's been driving me nuts because I cannot get rid of my name from the user's profile. Thank you for tracking this down!

Once bug is fixed, I presume the bad data will still be in the profiles?

Date Formats
  • 2008/9/2 14:56

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Something that has long been a headache is that the date formats differently for templates, modules, etc. Every module maker sets things to their local standard but that makes for a LOT of work for people creating XOOPS sites. It would be nice if there was one place we could set how we'd like the date displayed.


Re: How to change xoAppUrl
  • 2008/9/1 6:37

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Yes, I cleared both templates_c and cache as has been normal procedure forever in Xoops.

In poking around today, I did find another set of cache subdirectories under a new xoops_data_blahblah directory. I don't remember that being the location cache info was stored in the past.... Once THAT set of cache's was cleared all was fixed.

Why are there now FIVE cache and one template directories of which only three have any data stored in them anymore?

Very confusing....

This item is solved.

Re: How to change xoAppUrl
  • 2008/8/31 19:55

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I'm having the same issue in Zetagenesis.

I created the site locally and then uploaded it to the host. The Main Menu and User Menu have the correct paths. The user nav bar in that theme uses xoAppUrl to determine path for the icons and they point to the original site.

Where is xoAppUrl defined and how do I change it?!?

Re: Modules NOT working with XOOPS 2.3
  • 2008/8/7 5:02

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I am having NO PROBLEMS with CBB 3.08 (I presume this is what you mean by NewBB 3.08) posting, reading or viewing in blocks. I am using the CBB and frameworks available in the module pack that you can optionally download with the RC.

I do get one error but it doesn't seem to affect anything (yet):
Notice: Deprecated function 'mod_getIP', user XoopsUserUtility directly. in file /Frameworks/art/functions.user.php line 20

Re: Any CBB 1.16 Udates on the cards?
  • 2008/8/1 19:05

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CBB is up to at least version 3.08 now.


In answer to your "will it work with my site" question, I always recommend you backup your databases. Just in case.

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