Re: kStore - product catalogue demo
  • 2004/6/20 9:54

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13

temporarily off line while I move hosts. See http://noah.tetrasi.com/ for the No-Ah support site. kStore is just a demo built with No-Ah.

Re: Smarty Error - I don't have a clue
  • 2004/6/14 18:45

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13

Try going to System > Modules and update your gallery module. I believe xcgal_index.html is one of the template files for one of the gallery modules. You much have one installed.

If that doesn't work, then reupload the templates folder for the gallery module you are using and try the update again.

Xoops is looking for that template file in the XOOPS database, but can't find it. Updating your module will should add this to the database.

Re: Xoops + Web Server on LAN = No workage..
  • 2004/6/14 18:42

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13

mainfile.php in the XOOPS root is what defines your websites location. XOOPS needs to know what IP or domain name its running under for everything to work.

Everyone accessing the site should use the same IP. Internal users on your LAN should use the external IP for your web server, not the internal address.

Also make sure your firewall/router or which every device is managing your internet connection is set up to forward HTTP or port 80 requests to your web server.


Re: Question for Xoops Modules Developers
  • 2004/6/14 6:13

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13

Shouldn't your common.php file be included before you call OpenTable() ?

Re: Question for Xoops Modules Developers
  • 2004/6/14 3:55

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13

That's a hard one to debug from provided info. The errors you have there are just Notices and nothing that would cause a blank page from what I can see.

If you can, post some of the code from the page which is causing this error. Cheers.

Re: Duplicating Xoops setups on multiple domains
  • 2004/6/13 14:29

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13

If you are comfortable using phpmyadmin or any other MySQL client you can easily move an entire XOOPS configuration to another server just by doing a complete export of all XOOPS tables and contents from one database and then import this into another.

Im phpmyadmin select your database and then select the export tab. Select ALL your database tables and then check off the 'add drop table' option. Export to a file and save this file somewhere on your local machine.

Now go to the other database with phpmyadmin and click on the SQL tab. You should be provided a file upload field. Click browse and select the SQL file previously exported.

That should be it.

You don't even have to go through the entire XOOPS install if your comfortable editing the mainfile.php file manually.

Hope that works out for you.

Re: Errors are showing up with debugging turned on
  • 2004/5/7 2:08

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13

Certainly 'who' gets to see the error messages would help. I'd like this assigned to the user level instead of groups.

If you set which individual users saw error messages then it would be possible to test as a member of any user group.

Another nice feature would be the ability to login as anonymous. Or in other words, set a user name and password which would allow that user to see errors but still treat the user as anonymous. This way you could test as anonymous and not have all your anonymous users see how sloppy your code is.

Re: smarty is pretty kick*ss
  • 2004/5/6 22:47

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13

Smarty does kick butt. I can't imagine not using it. Especially because I work with designers who do not know php.

Personally I like using smarty's <{ foreach }> rather than sections, but your example above does show off how powerful smarty can be.

Here is an example of how you can use your smarty output with foreach instead of sections
<{foreach item=item key=key from=$multiple_array}>

$item.lang_worklogrows}> <br/>
$item.lang_mbiz_unit}> <br />
item=subitem key=subkey from=$item.lang_while_val}>


That example isn't using your full array, but perhaps you get the picture. I just find <{ foreach }> a little cleaner for my scrambled brain to grasp.

Re: Please install XooGle on this site
  • 2004/5/4 23:57

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13

Thanks for your response. Any idea if we could increase this limit? Maybe we could pool our Google id numbers?

I have thought about this and although it's possible technically we might want to check with google to make sure thats fine.

The idea would be, if you want to use the xoogle search you would have to go get your own google id, then i would dynamically change the xoogle id based on which user was requesting the search. Then a site could in theory support 1000 searches per user, instead of 1000 searches total.

I have heard that google makes exceptions to this 1000 search limit as long as you ask and you're not selling ads on pages where their results are displayed.

Re: Please install XooGle on this site
  • 2004/5/4 22:48

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13


There is one snag with Xoogle ... it includes google results in an ordinary XOOPS search results as if they were just another module on the site. In other words you get google results somewhere between the other modules. Ideally they need to be filtered out and only returned from a google search.

This can actually be deactivate rather easily. You just have to modify the xoops_version.php file before installing. Set $modversion['hasSearch'] = 0;

The XOOPS search really needs a regex so that we can see context snippets in the results.

This is supported by the results returned by google where by the terms used in the search are highlighted in the search results (is this what you mean?). It's possibly a template issue if this isnt working.

Other than that I would have to say xoogle's biggest limitation for use in a site like this one is the 1000 searches a day limit. Herko would have to confirm, but I think xoops.org might actually hit that limit.

If there are any other bugs/features you think this module is still lacking, please feel free to post your ideas and suggestions at the xoogle project page at dev.xoops.org


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