Re: Dokuwiki - A really good wiki working with xoops
  • 2005/3/1 22:38

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Thank you for your continuing integration of dokuwiki into Xoops. I installed it last weekend and have to say that it was very easy thanks to your very well documented instructions!

My only real downside is that I'm having a heck of a time with some of the dokuwiki css but you mentioned that this might be the case in your install notes. That's really just a small hurdle. The css glitches aren't likely to even be noticable by any of my users so in reality this is a non-issue.

I really like the markup syntax. It's very clear. Not having to use camelcase is good. Having the option to enable html is nice. Having a simple button bar with the most common syntax is a godsend for those not familiar with wiki markup.

Page removal took me a bit of reading on the dokuwiki site to figure out (edit the page and delete all content). But that turned into a nice adventure where I learned a lot about other features you can add or that have been added that aren't totally obvious. They have a nice little community over there!

I never could get the other wiki implementations to work very well. As such, I must admit that I started this install with very low expectations.... I was delighted to find however that this dokuwiki integration grabbed most of my css and was working right out of the box in a matter of minutes. If I didn't know better, I'd think this was a native XOOPS module given its ease of integration.

Three thumbs up!

Re: Newbb 2.0.2 & Browsers (SLOW in IE but FAST in Netscape)
  • 2005/3/1 15:45

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If I recall correctly, one of the ways IE appeared to load faster than Netscape back in the old days was by loading the whole page and then displaying it. In this way, the page appeared all at once. Any delay caused by grabbing all the pieces before display was not noticeable by most people since modems were still prevelant. IE and Netscape loaded about as fast but Netscape rendered on the fly and thus had the appearance of rendering pages very slowly.

That load all and then display functionality is now a detriment. Most people have broadband. Displaying while loading is now seen as a feature and not a detriment.

Change browsers or ask MS to update theirs.

Or perhaps change the png's to gifs and disable the java in NewBB. You'll need to reduce the complexity or number of things that IE needs to preload before display. In short, you probably need to cut out some functionality to improve IE's display speed.

The other place that might make a difference could be database calls. But any improvement there would make things better for all browsers.

My personal recommendation? I strongly recommend urging your users to switch browsers. I did that with mine and they have been one happy group of people. New functionality, no ads, great speed, updates every few months, plug-ins for those that want to tweak things.

Good luck.

Re: Dokuwiki - A really good wiki working with xoops
  • 2005/2/23 23:11

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Excellent! I'll be diving into this then over the weekend.

Re: Dokuwiki - A really good wiki working with xoops
  • 2005/2/23 19:45

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Nice work!

Do standard module rights work with this module? If I only give view access to "Registered Users" will that group be the only ones able to see it and access it? I'm curious as that would be sufficient for my needs as far as authorization goes without needing to make the webmaster-only change.


Re: Double Standards
  • 2005/2/18 20:27

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One must assume that you avoid Microsoft products like the plague which they are, then?

I do use MS products. I do use Linux. I do use open and closed source software depending on which best meets the requirements for the task at hand. I'm not sure what you are implying or trying to say except that you dislike MS and felt the need to share that with the group.... I dislike them too but I usually try to disparage them with facts, not fiction.

MS products have their share of bugs. MS doesn't drop all support for a previous version when a new one is released but rather they maintain multiple code bases. MS doesn't charge for security updates if you have a legal copy their software in the first place and for most of the company's history (they're starting to change now) they have provided security updates to all users regardless of whether they owned a legal copy of the software being patched.

It's strange for me to be in the role of MS apologist but your sniping was mis-aimed in this case. I feel icky now.... Thanks a lot.

Now back to the discussion at hand.

Re: Double Standards
  • 2005/2/13 20:49

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There should be no arguement over what "free" means in regards to the GPL. It's spelled out in very simple terms that anyone should be able to understand even if English isn't their mother tongue.

I've excerpted the first part for your convenience. It VERY clearly states (see bold text) that freedom with regards to GPL is a matter of liberty, not price. Whether you agree or disagree with charging for GPL files is another discussion and one that I feel is important to the ongoing health of Xoops. But arguing over whether a developer can charge for their GPL'd work is downright silly -- yes they can.

I think this has been posted before in which case to reiterate, for the full explanation of the intent of the GPL, please go to the source:http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html

We maintain this free software definition to show clearly what must be true about a particular software program for it to be considered free software.

``Free software'' is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of ``free'' as in ``free speech,'' not as in ``free beer.''

Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. More precisely, it refers to four kinds of freedom, for the users of the software:

* The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0).
* The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
* The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2).
* The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

A program is free software if users have all of these freedoms. Thus, you should be free to redistribute copies, either with or without modifications, either gratis or charging a fee for distribution, to anyone anywhere. Being free to do these things means (among other things) that you do not have to ask or pay for permission.

Re: Double Standards
  • 2005/2/11 17:08

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Just chiming in as a happy XOOPS user....

I didn't vote in the recent elections. I feel that I am much too unfamiliar with the individuals involved and their contributions to make what I would consider an informed vote. I follow along on a weekly to monthly basis on this site to get an idea of what is new and to check for security fixes. I most certainly see some names much more often than others and like in real-world elections, that is often the deciding factor for many voters.

As far as donating (buying) to obtain modules and updates, I really have no qualms with that practice (with one big caveat as noted below). If I use it, I feel obligated to contribute. This may be monetary. Or it may take the form of bug finding, documentation, suggestions, helping others, etc. It may consist of a simple but very earnest thank you. I try to give back for what I take. No matter how small my contribution I know that it makes a difference to someone.

Where I draw the line though is with security fixes. I am a adamantly opposed to requiring a donation to fix security holes. This was the primary factor that drove me away from phpNuke. For any authors considering a donation route, please keep security fixes seperate from your donation version. I know this can mean keeping two codebases current with bug fixes. This is good customer service and even more importantly considering what can happen to a server depending on what the security breach allows access to, it's good netiquette.

Play nicely kids. And thank you for everything.

Now back to lurking for me....

Re: Xoops On Crack?
  • 2005/1/2 3:47

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I'm glad we've gotten this year's drama out of the way early.

The QA Team is a big step in the right direction. Forking into East and West versions would be silly IMNSHO. I hope things work out for all parties and that they pool resources and make XOOPS that much better.

Re:Security hole in Xoops Poll??
  • 2004/10/21 19:05

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NewBB2 uses the standard poll module.

NewBB2 devs have stated that polls created in forums are supposed to show up in poll module. This is working as designed. They made it this way at the request of users.

In the mean time, other users have requested a means of limiting this function now that it has been implemented and control of front page polls has shifted from the web admin to the users.

If you would like to see this functionality changed, please let the devs know. It will likely require changes to the standard poll module.

In the interim, if you allow users to post polls in forums you can disable them as they appear via the admin functions. I've chosen to disable forum polls myself while I decide whether I want to show polls at all on the front page anymore due to this big change in poll functionality.

Re: Private Messages: Outbox
  • 2004/10/19 15:15

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Just checking on the integration of outboxes for PM's without a hack.

Is this still planned? Thanks!

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