Well, not that I knew an answer, but it says in the Wimpy FAQs they're using the standard Flash Plugin for their script? So, it's not really about steering clear of anything Flash, I suppose, just about skinning? Also, if you can produce flv files (Flash!), then I would suppose you have access to Flash 8? Which actually contains itself a very nifty movie and music import feature with a choice of nice controls, ready to use. I think when it comes to multimedia, it's Flash
By far the one of the several options with the most decent plugin, and it displays almost identical on all current Browsers, OSs.
How to link the files to the Wimpy player is probably something you best ask on the Wimpy website. Depends on how the Wimpy player object is called.
If you want to play mp3 or video files, you'll have the perennial fight with the embed and object tags, and a fair amount of users who don't have the appropriate plugin installed/configured. I still believe it's best to have a text link. Doesn't have to call "_blank". It will, depending on configuration of the computer from which it is viewed, decide what to do, or prompt for user input: Save to disk, or play in external player. Some browsers may also be configured to grab it themselves and might play it in "_self" if they properly recognize the MIME type, though.