Polling module where reg. users can change their vote?
  • 2005/12/10 16:40

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

Hi all,

I'm looking for a polling module where users can control their vote and change it after they've first cast it. Opinions are straw in the wind these days, you know, and we would want to have a way to monitor people's stance on an issue while events unfold. Anyone has a suggestion?



Re: automatically added dot after e-mail address
  • 2005/12/4 22:27

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

Thanks for trying it out, also thanks for the flowers re my site Not too much community participation, though. But that should hopefully come at some point.

My people are unlikely to use email clients, and therefore, mailto links aren't so terribly important. And then, I'm not even sure the dot at the end poses any problem in terms of sending the mail. But somehow, it looks fancy.

I'll look for some place to report it. Thanks for the link to the CBBers, I still think it might have to do with the editors

Re: content module
  • 2005/11/30 16:32

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

You can find Aspell on Google I believe it has to be installed on the server, as opposed to your user directory, so if you're not the administrator of your server, you're probably out of luck. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Then again, you can ask your webhost if you have one, if it's installed or whether they would install it for you.

What exactly is not compatible with all browsers? The Koivi editor? Doesn't seem to be working with Opera, they're working on it. Look through the general settings for editor settings. If the pages you produce show differently in different browsers, my guess would be it's because of different style sheets in your theme. You may want to copy styleNN.css and styleMAC.css from themes/default/css into the folder of the theme you're using where style.css is located (back up the respective files that may be there) and try again whether it looks differently in different browsers. Those two files just include the general style.css, so everything should look more or less the same.

Other than that, if things show differently, it's probably because the corresponding style attributes aren't defined in the style sheet. Don't think it has to do with the editor.

If it's about the object/embed problem from your other thread (https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=44186) try out the advice given there. Use HTML editor if WYSIWYG doesn't work, strip code of blank lines and line breaks, make sure all required plugins are properly installed in the browsers you're trying it with, try again.

Re: content trouble with flash
  • 2005/11/30 3:45

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

Also, I've realized that there's some sort of sensitivity with line breaks in the editor. Some code would only be correctly parsed if you write it all into one single line, or rather let it break itself. In any case, without the line breaks you may have from the Flash HTML output.

Re: content module
  • 2005/11/30 3:41

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

I doubt they belong there. Core dump from a server crash or something? I think you better ask your webhost about that, if that's not yourself.

Also, make sure that the directories which aren't supposed to be aren't world writable, and check out where your upload directories point to (in the image manager, and several modules also have upload directories you can specify.

Google, id=XXX, and userinfo.php
  • 2005/11/28 0:51

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

I know there're zillions of threads on optimizing module URLs in XOOPS, but I have two questions I couldn't find an answer for. The situation: I'm not sure I want to fuzz with the URLs if not absolutely necessary, so I'm trying to figure out whether it might be necessary.

I've read:
Don't use "&id=" as a parameter in your URLs, as we don't include these pages in our index

at http://www.google.com/webmasters/guidelines.html, and I was wondering whether that meant they're also not indexing pages with "id=" in the URL, which is the case with pages from the Content module. So my question: Anyone has a page with the Content module installed and could check whether their content module pages are indexed in Google?

Second, unrelated question: If you bring up the URLs Google has indexed from this very website (xoops.org), you'll see tons and tons and tons and tons of pages from userinfo.php. Or in other words, we're all indexed with our user profiles Yet, that's not what I would consider the most relevant information in my site. Is there an easy way to avoid that from happening? For instance by modifying robots.txt so that it specifically excludes userinfo.php?

Re: Xoops "xoopsConfig[language]" Local File Inclusion Vulnerability
  • 2005/11/26 8:17

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

when using the php.ini file method (i think has to be done in CGI mode anyway as htaccess doesn't work) you have to place the file in every folder for it to be effective.

Not that I knew anything about these things, but I had always believed that, at least on my webhost, one php.ini in the public html root does for all subdirectories. I even got the impression that once, by trying to allow url_fopen for one specific subdirectory through an individual php.ini, I was causing a little confusion in the system. After all, there's always something from other directories included. Am I mistaken?

Re: Dutch month format
  • 2005/11/26 5:45

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

Now that you guys are working on it, I would preferably have a solution which doesn't depend on setting the server locale as, it seems, I can't change it on my server. Some global sanitation of dates retrieved from the database. May be difficult or impossible to implement, with all the modules going their own ways and pulling dates independently from the database. But in an ideal world, that would be my ideal idea of how it would work best for me Thanks for all the work, and keep it up.

Re: Linking to mp3's - whats your opinion?
  • 2005/11/26 4:40

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

Well, not that I knew an answer, but it says in the Wimpy FAQs they're using the standard Flash Plugin for their script? So, it's not really about steering clear of anything Flash, I suppose, just about skinning? Also, if you can produce flv files (Flash!), then I would suppose you have access to Flash 8? Which actually contains itself a very nifty movie and music import feature with a choice of nice controls, ready to use. I think when it comes to multimedia, it's Flash By far the one of the several options with the most decent plugin, and it displays almost identical on all current Browsers, OSs.

How to link the files to the Wimpy player is probably something you best ask on the Wimpy website. Depends on how the Wimpy player object is called.

If you want to play mp3 or video files, you'll have the perennial fight with the embed and object tags, and a fair amount of users who don't have the appropriate plugin installed/configured. I still believe it's best to have a text link. Doesn't have to call "_blank". It will, depending on configuration of the computer from which it is viewed, decide what to do, or prompt for user input: Save to disk, or play in external player. Some browsers may also be configured to grab it themselves and might play it in "_self" if they properly recognize the MIME type, though.

Re: automatically added dot after e-mail address
  • 2005/11/24 21:52

  • Tobias

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 172

  • Since: 2005/9/13

Ok, but it doesn't only happen in custom blocks, at least on my installation. Should I tell my users to post only in HTML if they want to include an email? Anyway, is this by design, or is there a way to fix it?

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