Re: Slim or fat - Where is competition going?
  • 2008/11/16 11:34

  • MrGrey

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  • Since: 2008/4/13


Wich competitors

...would U say are most related or similar to Xoops?

Just my guess for 4 close competitors:

# eZpublish
# Joomla
# e104
# SPIP (contents area)

Re: Best choice among Xoops news modules (articles, ezines, advanced blogs)
  • 2008/11/14 8:19

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13


ghia wrote:
Do you need two cars? One Rolls and one Maserati?

Sure! ...I use them 1 by 1. The gasolin and maintenance is ~based on driven distance.

But, on a website it seems likely that management is increased when 2 modules are up and running "in frontline" allways.

Can the same topic index be used for 1 news and 1 contents module simultaneously?

[size=x-small]My belief is that a well reflected newbie can understand many things about a module (or anything) if he tried to understand wich issues may occure in his website. A non reflected newbie will still say "oh sh_t" on a regular bases years after installation.
Thats also why many freewares (GNU /GPL) during the years have been recomended by amateurs although they have been impossible to use for anything beyond kid-play.

Re: Social networks, Yogurt versus trad. communities
  • 2008/11/13 18:32

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13

Numbers are irrelevant!


...both on the web and IRL it's very obvious that people attract people, and action attracts action.

The subject or target group must be big enough... no matter what your topic is... although an attractive subject helps.

If U hire a que to a small shop "outsiders" will be happy if they can sneek bye the que into the store, even if they did not intend to visit it.


Re: Best choice among Xoops news modules (articles, ezines, advanced blogs)
  • 2008/11/12 8:29

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13


Orientation needed for understanding and analyzis


JAVesey wrote:
I really think that you you will get a better idea of what they can do by installing them and seeing for yourself

Both yes, and no
To understand and applying good questions, specially about what happens if a site grows and in time it's very good to have some basic understanding... think some is "arriving"

One more thing about the basic consept. I guess, 1 module makes the trick in most cases, right? Is there any normal or special case where 2 modules would be needed?


Re: Social networks, Yogurt versus trad. communities
  • 2008/11/12 8:05

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13

Hypothetical golf asociation

How big must a social network be to "get alive"... and not fade away and die?


stefan88 wrote:
Maybe the people who buy newspapers are not the same people who will bring life into a social network...

Ya, ya... but in a global context the daily paper readers still stay in civilized surroundings, although readers may be some years older as an average compared to websurfers. As a guess, in a global view the paper reders are not so far off the chart...

Let's say U got a big golf club or a larger golf asociation... How many members must it presumably have to get a "modern social network" going at least with some action in it?

1000, 10.000 or would it need 100.000 members before people enough surf the society-network to get it really vivid?


Social networks, Yogurt versus trad. communities
  • 2008/11/11 9:24

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13

Social networks minimum level...

How big must a social network be to "get alive"... and not fade away and die?

Trad. newspapers that have 100.000 copies per day sold often do not get any "action" at all in their web communities.

The FunOmeter - cryzy, fun and useful module for show-off
  • 2008/11/10 8:46

  • MrGrey

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The FunOmeter
How happy are wee this week?

I have never seen this module in reality... it came up as a brainstorm idea when I was thinking on polls. But nothing is new under the sun...

IT IS: The FunOmeter is an ever lasting poll that shows the result the period given by the webmaster. 1 - 8 weeks would be normal (alternatively derivating). Suitable for both narrow or broad column.

WHAT IS SHOWN: On the front page (choosen page) a small fancy looking graph is shown (templates /themes). Barchart is first choice but "meter" or curve would probably be loved.

BASED ON: 1 - 4 simple poll questions to the public (alternative webmaster force). Questions hidden behind link.

QUESTIONS: Could be either crazy (on a fun site) or more serious (~news site). Given by webmaster naturally...
Ex. A) Weather is....
Ex. B) Brad Pits latest movie is...
Ex. C) B. Obamas latest haircut is....

What U say?

Re: Best choice among Xoops news modules (articles, ezines, advanced blogs)
  • 2008/11/9 8:52

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13


JAVesey wrote:
MrGrey wrote:

What would be the limitation or problem in each case?

None that I'm aware of.

Time: Could all management or layout be done fully and as efficient (same time frame) for the module types.


sailjapan wrote:
I often choose "SmartSection" module for my long 'articles' // I can embed a huge range of mime types // also allow/disallow comments on a per-article basis.

I choose "Content" for wrapping html pages, for creating 'sub-sections' of similar content // separate menu block //(I rarely use the system's 'Main menu').

'News', to be honest, has fewer options, and therefore is more suited (IMHO) to quick 'blogging' style posts.

// ...personal preferences in the end. One thing is for sure, it's nice to have the choice!

Cool: "SmartSection" [SSn] and "Contents" [C] U comment from a webmaster (?) perspective. "News" [N] on the other hand U refere to as blog-style wich, at least in some aspect referes to layout and frontside looks (user /reader), doesn't it?

What about "spotlights"? Can SSn and C be used also to make magazine like frontpages?

N is then somewhat limited in mimes and indexation etc..

Let's say U have a site with both small and larger articles... would prefer to use 1 module with many subjects or use 2 or more modules instead?


Re: Best choice among Xoops news modules (articles, ezines, advanced blogs)
  • 2008/11/8 10:00

  • MrGrey

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  • Since: 2008/4/13


sailjapan wrote:
I use 'News' for short, time sensitive reporting of things relevant to my readers now. ...//cut

I use 'Content' modules for more detailed articles, essays/reports/analysis/opinion/instructional type content. ...//cut

My 'Content' articles section will have many more categories than 'News'.

I don't always need both types of module in a given site.

To get a further closeup... Lets say U made it turned a round. I hope that pin point the different characteristics for the module type.

A) Use a content module for many and frequent small news notices...
B) Use the news module for 10.000+ letter featured articles.

What would be the limitation or problem in each case?


JAVesey wrote:

Look at the index page of the News module and you'll typically see either the news items themselves or a summary of the "scoops". ...//cut

Is there a "comment link" for that page? (make own comment)

Re: Best choice among Xoops news modules (articles, ezines, advanced blogs)
  • 2008/11/7 15:07

  • MrGrey

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2008/4/13


Buried in a pile of news!

Uuuhuu. Okay, let's go... First I must say that the repository goes a little confusing here. ...for short, there should be a departement for "Publishing". (general mixup between p2p communications and group /community communications.)

Could U describe the difference between a news and a content module in your sense? (this is not easy, specially not for non english natives)

If aiming on the modules prepared for 2.0.x & 2.3+, is it possible to characterize them wise or put a descriptive "tag" on them? What puts them apart? (some oppinions allready given)

The people who wrote them must surely had some nice intentions. Some reached, others perhaps not.

Frontside, admin, features in each side, easy to use, organizing versus lay-out-features etc.... scertainly there must be ton of parts to understand and take advantage from!?

Wouldn't it also be sad if the "wrong" modules fall into the big sleep...?


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