Wich competitors
...would U say are most related or similar to Xoops?
Just my guess for 4 close competitors:
# eZpublish
# Joomla
# e104
# SPIP (contents area)
ghia wrote:
Do you need two cars? One Rolls and one Maserati?
Numbers are irrelevant!
JAVesey wrote:
I really think that you you will get a better idea of what they can do by installing them and seeing for yourself
stefan88 wrote:
Maybe the people who buy newspapers are not the same people who will bring life into a social network...
JAVesey wrote:
Quote:MrGrey wrote:
What would be the limitation or problem in each case?
None that I'm aware of.
sailjapan wrote:
I often choose "SmartSection" module for my long 'articles' // I can embed a huge range of mime types // also allow/disallow comments on a per-article basis.
I choose "Content" for wrapping html pages, for creating 'sub-sections' of similar content // separate menu block //(I rarely use the system's 'Main menu').
'News', to be honest, has fewer options, and therefore is more suited (IMHO) to quick 'blogging' style posts.
// ...personal preferences in the end. One thing is for sure, it's nice to have the choice!
sailjapan wrote:
I use 'News' for short, time sensitive reporting of things relevant to my readers now. ...//cut
I use 'Content' modules for more detailed articles, essays/reports/analysis/opinion/instructional type content. ...//cut
My 'Content' articles section will have many more categories than 'News'.
I don't always need both types of module in a given site.
JAVesey wrote:
Look at the index page of the News module and you'll typically see either the news items themselves or a summary of the "scoops". ...//cut