Re: Editor woes...

Same position here, although specifically only trying AMS 2.52 final.

What a shame this release was made to cure a blank page problem, which I never saw with XOOPS 2.3.3, and seems to have made it incompatible with XOOPS 2.4.0.

Is a version 2.53 (OK with XOOPS 2.4.0) possible before AMS 3.0?

AMS is a great module but I do wish to move on to XOOPS 2.4.0

Re: Registration emails going everywhere!

I wonder if Ghia's idea could be improved?

One extra benefit or adding users in profile/admin over sytem/admin is that you can choose whether to add the user as 'active' or 'inactive'.

I can imagine it could be useful to add many users at the same time but leave them 'inactive' - which is the default on the screen anyway. Sending out the welcome message to inactive users would seem wrong, it would be better when the user was activated later.

If a user had been active in the past and for some reason a site admin had de-activated them, then when the user was re-activated it would be helpful to re-send the welcome message, particularly if it includes the disclaimers etc.

So how about changing (around line 107 in ../profile/admin/user.php)
if ( isset($_POST['level']) && $user->getVar('level') != intval($_POST['level'])  ) {
$user->setVar('level'intval($_POST['level']) );

if ( isset($_POST['level']) && $user->getVar('level') != intval($_POST['level'])  ) {
$userLevelChange true;    
$user->setVar('level'intval($_POST['level']) );

and later changing
if ( $user->isNew()  ) {
} else {

if ( $user->isNew()  ) {
    if (
$user->getVar('level')) {
} else {
    if (
$userLevelChange && $user->getVar('level')) {

Re: Registration emails going everywhere!

Thanks for picking this up.
I should have said I was using the Profile module! So I tested your suggestion with profile de-activated to see what happens and doing a 'reset' around line 196 does the business for the core stuff.

Coming back to using the profile module I think we need a similar reset in profile/register.php just after line 228
} else if ($GLOBALS['xoopsConfigUser']['activation_type'] == 0) {
$xoopsMailer =& xoops_getMailer();
$xoopsMailer->reset(); // added by GFD Oct 2009 to prevent 'activation' emails going 'notify group'

That seems to send out the correct emails.

Registration emails going everywhere!

System > Preferences Main > User Info Settings

Notify by mail when a new user is registered?* = yes
Select group to which new user notification mail will be sent* = Site Admins
Select activation type of newly registered users* = Requires activation by user (recommended)

I get these emails sent when a new user registers:
1. 'New user registration at mysite' - to Site Admins
2. 'User activation key for new user' - to new user and the Site Admins. (built on template register.tpl)

Clearly the Site Admins shouldn't get email 2

It looks as if the xoopsmailer object gets assigned the Site Admins addresses during (1) and these are not cleared when it is re-used for (2)

Hardly a 'deal-breaker' and hopefully easy to fix.

BTW I think the team have done a wonderful job I haven't stopped clapping since I downloaded!

Re: Permission Problem in XOOPS 2.3.2b

SUHOSIN update:
Recent tests have uncovered some more information about the GET, POST and REQUEST settings.

My earlier posts reported that the variables count from checkboxes seemed to be 2. So if a form was posting the results from 5 checkboxes expect SUHOSIN to count 10 variables. That seems to be the case when PHP is run on Apache as fast-cgi.

Running PHP in module mode 5 checkboxes are counted as 5 variables.

Something else to trip over!!

Re: Permission Problem in XOOPS 2.3.2b

arlenens: Glad to hear you're making progress.

SUHOSIN is an optional extension, not all hosters will be using it.

It can be applied to the server in two ways. The original method was by a patch to the PHP core. I believe this should have shown up in the footer of the CORE section on phpinfo report. I don't know if it would display its parameters.

The more recent method is by an extension like other php extensions. This shows up as its own block in the phpinfo report so you can see all the parameters.

Re: a variation of Poll v1 with unlimited voting

Yes exactly

Re: a variation of Poll v1 with unlimited voting

Hi Webweaver and Culex,
As you are familiar with polling/voting modules can you direct me to one that would be suitable for virtual committees where voting takes place on proposals and each participant's vote can be recorded and visible?

More like a show of hands. Thanks.

Re: Permission Problem in XOOPS 2.3.2b

Don't forget the suhosin.request.max_vars parameter.

As I understand it this sets the limit for post.max_vars and get.max_vars combined, so it needs to be at least as big as the bigger of the two.

I'm not familiar with WF-Downloads but if the permissions setting page is a table of check boxes with a 'submit' button then count the total number of check boxes. They may be in repeating blocks for each user group which makes it easier.

Then double it (not entirely sure why but my theory is each check box uses two variables in the post array). Then add a few more, say 10, to cover any other variables being posted at the same time.

With your existing setting of 200 it will allow about:
200 - 10 = 190 (10 'other' variables)
190/2 = 95 (1 check box = 2 vars)
95/7 = 13.6 (you say you have 7 groups)

So any more than 13 check boxes per group and you're in trouble!!

Re: Permission Problem in XOOPS 2.3.2b

May I ask which module(s) gave you the problem and how many categories/topic/fields (c/t/f) are having their permission set? And also how many groups you have on the site?

It sounds as if you may have come up against the SUHOSIN issue as Ghia says, if so it is the combination of (c/t/f) and groups that causes the 'failure' and gives you some clue as to what to ask the hoster for.

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