Re: IP Log 1.02
  • 2013/3/28 17:26

  • btesec

  • Friend of XOOPS

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Thanks for this mod Wishcraft. Would it be possible to do something similar to collect all users activities in one place for webmasters like for an inatranet potal.

Re: Shoutbox 5.01 Beta 1 ready for testing on XOOPS 2.5.5
  • 2012/8/30 19:45

  • btesec

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HI DCrussader,

I humbly suggest you also send your changes to mamba or add the changes in sourceforge so your good work is kept centrally and avoid confusion to future users.


Re: Making a PDO "plugin" for 2.5.5 to potentially include in 2.6
  • 2012/8/30 14:24

  • btesec

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Hello redheadedrod,

I belive Mamba has worked on something similar. Not sure if that project matured but maybe a joint effort would be good.

Re: News 1.67 Final released for XOOPS 2.5.5
  • 2012/7/30 17:35

  • btesec

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I noticed that the repository has a new file for Xoops core named xoops-2.5.5-20120718.zip

may I suggest that a news post be created so everyone knows about it. Maybe tell us what are the changes.

Re: News 1.67 Final released for XOOPS 2.5.5
  • 2012/7/30 14:48

  • btesec

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Roby73 wrote:
I try last version of tcpdf.
I think is necessary convert all module with this, and remove all personal make pdf.

For example makepdf.php of the newbb 4.3 primarily.

I do think standardization would be great.

Re: Starting a Content/News Module Development Team
  • 2012/7/5 16:53

  • btesec

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I have been using news for a while now but its development haulted for a while. Publisher is a good mod, but bugs are not being fixed. and the same thing happens with the other mods. Maybe we can agree on identifying these two mods and adopt them for development.

The issue has always been that mods popup here and there but are not being maintained for the long run leaving websites in the blues and at the mercy of the community. Certainly everyone here has their own lives to live. what can be done is to use sourceforge to idenity features and vote on them then move on down the priority list. Even to vote if a suggested feature should be considered for dev. and implementation. earlier this year I decided to use other CMS due to the unavailability of good production level mods in xoops. I noticed that it all depends on the business model each community decides to adopt. Most of the free mods which would give a site business/community value are poorly maintained, while if a paid for version is constantly maintained and evaluated by the community/commitees. Basic/small modules are easier to maintain and require less efforts. But the same cannot be said about more larger and complex mods.

I suggest that it is time to look around and get heads together and decide on a business model that will benefit developers and the Xoops CMS. Lots of mods hav been abandoned due to developers having to mods on to other avenues in order to survive financially. But I suggest that the resulting market by highly monitored and standards are set in place. And make sure that Xoops core is highly maintained as it has been happened lately. I have seen xoops since 2004 and I know that it has reached maturity status compared to back then. Maybe a shared revenue model would be best. In my opinion of course mods hav to be affordable to startups and veterans. Maybe offer two versions of a mod, free and paid. But these mods may hav to be certified/verified by a team to ensure they meet standards/criterias.

The reality is that you can't go to a food/fruit market and get free oranges and vegetables but you can get affordable products. When prices are sky high, people look at other options including contraband. Modules that are geared to making money would be the target. Lately I had to go to another CMS to get a good hotel reservation mod cause xoops doesnt have any that meets my requirement, if I would pay for one to be developed in would cost an arm and a leg. So think about it. These are just my two cents.

Re: Document Management Module
  • 2012/2/24 17:27

  • btesec

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reifsnyderb can we get a list of the changes/updates done for version 1.95. I am am testing now.


Re: Document Management Module
  • 2012/2/24 15:48

  • btesec

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Re: Document Management Module
  • 2012/2/24 15:03

  • btesec

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I think this goes more to Mamba and xoops developers: Talking Xoops mods that allow uploading of attachments, specifically pdf and similar document types; their is a need to provide a similar search functionality by using swish-e (or whatever would be the best choice) as an option. I have worked on a site that has hundreds of pdf and word docs but getting good search results is hard since most documents are not named properly to match the content of the documents.

It would be nice if xoops can adopt a search engine that can index such attachment repositories, so that users get their documents/info they are looking for much efficiently. Surely respecting all the access permissions is key so users access only what they are allowed to. I am not sure if any other CMS has this capability but will do a research. The need for an indexing engine i believe feature for a site would be on the type of content that is being aggregated to it, come site may not have the need for it, but these days most site have pdf files or similar attachments.

my two cents here. Let me know what you all think or is there any suggestion for this kind of needs.

Re: Document Management Module
  • 2012/2/20 22:25

  • btesec

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 623

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Thanx reifsnyderb,

I'll keep an eye on this thread and make my comments and help with testing as I deal alot with document/file management and developed a records management system/workflow for physical records using formulize mod which is also great mod.

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