General PHP help: use of header() with an HTML file
  • 2008/1/11 21:48

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

Hi All,

We have a strange scenario that is presenting itself and we're not sure how to handle it.

We have some legacy documents (MS Word, PDF, PPT & HTML) that need to be presented through a secured web site. The security will not be a problem, we have an Microsoft Active Directory tree and we have built the authentication scheme around the AD groups.

We have placed the folders of documents outside of our web root, we don't want them accessible to the world. We can scan the folder and display a link to download the file no problem. The link points to a PHP script that reads the file, modifies the HTTP header and ships the document off to the web browser. All of that works beautifully, except for the HTML files!

We want any HTML file to display in the web browser as clicking on any "web page" would work. Instead the browser prompts the user to download the file as if it were an unknown file type. I've check the mime/types and everything looks correct.

Can someone point me to anything that might help get this scenario working for us?


Re: Add (Upload) a binary file for download
  • 2008/1/10 20:26

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

SmartSection is a great choice, I'll give you that one...

I have not tried Cordemanon as suggested by Will. but plan to.

I'm looking at using FCK Editor with an Older modified version of TinyD by GIJOE. The newer editor he is working on is too feature rich for our needs. We need simple, simple, simple for our users. SmartSection is simple and we may end up with that as well, but it also offers way too many features for our needs.

Thanks for the suggestions!!


Re: Add (Upload) a binary file for download
  • 2008/1/10 15:40

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

Register Globals needs to be enabled for FileManager to work effectively. Bad choice... in my opinion.

Still looking in anyone knows of a goof filemanager - register globals should be off for a working version...


Re: Show debug information for webmasters only?
  • 2007/12/19 14:46

  • chadm

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  • Since: 2006/6/29

nachenko : That's exactly what I was looking for! THANKS!

hackbrill : Unfortunately, I can't just turn off our web site, even at odd hours in the night. The researchers who use it are, well, always online. It's amazing.

Christian : We will be upgrading to XOOPS 2.0.17 as soon as we can. I've already scheduled downtime and the researchers (our users) have already started complaining!

Thanks all for the suggestions.


Re: Show debug information for webmasters only?
  • 2007/12/17 19:09

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

Does anybody have any thoughts on this? Anything?


Show debug information for webmasters only?
  • 2007/11/2 20:11

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

Is it possible to show the debug information for webmasters only?


Is there a bit of PHP code I can call to get the debug information even if "Debug" is turned off in the main preferences?

Our site is in production and showing debug information for everyone visiting the site is not an option.

Thanks for any suggestions...


Re: Personal blog for each user?
  • 2007/8/20 17:24

  • chadm

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suico ...

You are answering all of my questions today! Where will Leandro Vieira release the module? Will you point me to his web site? Hopefully it will be in English.

Thanks again!

Re: Personal blog for each user?
  • 2007/8/20 16:53

  • chadm

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29


phppp wrote:
LifeType for XOOPS is done with integration.
It will soon be released once internal test is finished.

You have really peaked my interest.. Can you describe LifeType.. Any alphas/betas available? Thanks for any information.


Re: Let users manage their own groups
  • 2007/8/20 16:31

  • chadm

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  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

suico ...

That will greatly help what we are looking to do.

And I will most certainly check out the file you reference.


Re: Let users manage their own groups
  • 2007/8/10 12:46

  • chadm

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 50

  • Since: 2006/6/29

We have a similar need..

Any one have ideas or a code base someone could use?


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