There are a lot of sharp competent people around here, but not hanging around to answer newb questions for the most part.
Like yourself I've messed around with several CMS in the past couple years.
I don't focus on any one best CMS package for my users. I use what fits the need best, which I can build fast.
I agree the XOOPS needs a facelift, the forums are dowdy looking, the search is from the dark ages. There is still a lot of interest in XOOPS by some very competent devs.
The dating on the mods in the repository will scare off anyone. It's just the devs around here don't seem to get off on making sure their information descriptions are current. You can find out on their sites and by discussions on the forums what's what and where to get it.
Many devs don't even put mods or themes up on the repository. If you want to see current themes and stuff click on the news and use the selector. You'll get more uptodate information that way. I don't think a new theme has been put up for download on the Xoops.org theme repository in months, but there are plenty being done.
The new formulize module is an excellent example of some serious coding being done with Xoops. You've gotta be a pro to understand what the mod does.
Hang out, share your knowledge, spread some grief and you might just find yourself a CMS home.