  • 2007/1/28 3:13

  • domineaux

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There is a lot more going on than meets your eye. We've had a great discussion over the past couple days on the implementation of a tabbed content script in the Xoops.(like on Yahoo.com homepage)

There are a lot of sharp competent people around here, but not hanging around to answer newb questions for the most part.

Like yourself I've messed around with several CMS in the past couple years.

I don't focus on any one best CMS package for my users. I use what fits the need best, which I can build fast.


I agree the XOOPS needs a facelift, the forums are dowdy looking, the search is from the dark ages. There is still a lot of interest in XOOPS by some very competent devs.

The dating on the mods in the repository will scare off anyone. It's just the devs around here don't seem to get off on making sure their information descriptions are current. You can find out on their sites and by discussions on the forums what's what and where to get it.

Many devs don't even put mods or themes up on the repository. If you want to see current themes and stuff click on the news and use the selector. You'll get more uptodate information that way. I don't think a new theme has been put up for download on the Xoops.org theme repository in months, but there are plenty being done.

The new formulize module is an excellent example of some serious coding being done with Xoops. You've gotta be a pro to understand what the mod does.

Hang out, share your knowledge, spread some grief and you might just find yourself a CMS home.

Re: Peekays Tab Hack for Content 0.5
  • 2007/1/28 1:43

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

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Peekay wrote:
Hi domineaux.

This works with Content 0.5 or 0.6. You can get 0.6 (which has custom page titles) here in the repository

I believe there is a newer version of Content in development, but I haven't tried it.

I saw it in repository, but the date was so old as indicated there. I thought it couldn't be the correct version.

Thanks for the info

Re: Peekays Tab Hack for Content 0.5
  • 2007/1/27 22:46

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

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Where do you get the Content lastest ver?

I'm going to try the Tabbed Content script with it.


Re: Tabbed Blocks to handle more content needed
  • 2007/1/27 16:15

  • domineaux

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  • Posts: 389

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Damaster wrote:

There's already a XOOPS module, ajaxblock, ported by Hiro, with a nice user interface.
Please, check this thread or this wiki page for the 'how to'.

And finally, this personalized version here, which match site needs (en/fr).
It manages bbcode and html. Through css, the content can be easily set to fix height with an auto scroll.

Best Regards,

I appreciate your response on this thread. I did try this mod. I couldn't understand it, because so much is in Japanese (anything non-english is japaneses to me)

I'm not saying it doesn't work or anything.

Re: Images don't show in custom block
  • 2007/1/27 14:48

  • domineaux

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rabideau wrote:
Can you give us a link to see the problem?

Based on your description it sounds like things should work.

You are so right! Everything should have worked. I found the problem. The images were too big for the column, but actually it was too easy a mistake to make.

The column described on the screen was defintely 1/4 inches wider than the images. The actual definted dimension size for the column blocks was less.

I haven't found where yet, but to be honest I'm glad about the problem. I didn't like that column being so wide on the theme.

I put up a subject title that will "search better" for someone else on this site. LOL

Thanks Rabideau for your response

Images don't show in custom block
  • 2007/1/27 5:10

  • domineaux

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I'm stumped, tried the search everyway possible.

When I try to display images in custom block I get the little square thingy. When I click on it 28x30 is the size it shows.

The image size I'm trying to show is 165wx200h in left column block. The HTML theme size for left column is 197.

Re: Tabbed Blocks to handle more content needed
  • 2007/1/26 23:30

  • domineaux

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I'm curious...

Why do you put iFrame call in a block and then call the scroll.htm.

Why not just put the html/javascript code in a custom block?

Take a look at this script Click to view

Seems like a simple enough solution to just scrolling a few images in a block.

Re: Tabbed Blocks to handle more content needed
  • 2007/1/26 23:07

  • domineaux

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preachur wrote:
I have marquee, but those images run through a borderless iframe in a custom block, and a single page of dhtml.

I am going to post that code in a minute... But that gives me an idea... I am going to attempt to use the script that makes those images scroll as an optional add-on to the tabbed content pages.... Then any block content will scroll in the tabbed area.

It MIGHT work.

The fun part about that is... you can provide access to a great deal more content. Movement also is a great deal of appeals to users. Even more fun if it could marquee text or images.

I'm presently working on a site where the site owner has all the cities his company serves in a marquee box, and a list of satisfied customers in another. He believes it gives him an edge because he isn't doing the standard customer referrals thing. He's just telling them of large numbers of satisfied customers. Funny... he thinks they're satisfied.

I think having all those cities and customer names may be a some help with search engine placement.

Re: Tabbed Blocks to handle more content needed
  • 2007/1/26 22:36

  • domineaux

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preachur wrote:
That one would work... I used this one:

I liked this one's shade .gifs that can be customized, the demo.htm that can be used for development, and then it can be pasted right into your content, the .css, etc.

Good I like it better as well, but to be honest I would have used the one you recommended. I'm so far behind on this project now.


I noticed your scroll images in the right lower corner. I need something like that, but I'm not thinking of using in files from a Gallery/MySql db. I'm just thinking of a scroll with a small number of pics, possibly about six jpgs in a folder on the site (not in anything xoops)

I'm using the Marquee mod on one site with scrolling text, but I haven't read where it will work with code.

* Since I posted this I found one on the dynamic site.

Anyway, I appreciate very much your help and hope I can return in kind soon.

Thank you

Re: Tabbed Blocks to handle more content needed
  • 2007/1/26 19:29

  • domineaux

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 389

  • Since: 2002/9/29


preachur wrote:
Check out this thread:

and see my example here:


With that you can easily populate the ajax tabbed widget with content from any XOOPS block. It works great.

Is this the one you're talking about?

Tabbed Content Widget


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