Re: Notify when users submits


rebenta wrote:
How can XOOPS notify me (im my inbox or notifications) when users send news, articles, pictures or something else who needs my aprovation?

I would love to know the answer to this too!

aka *bump*

Re: gay problem with forum


george__ wrote:
fixed thanks

I'm envious... I'll my problems with my forums are straight... if only I could be so lucky to have FABULOUS forums.

Re: Image resizing in Xoopspartners

This code works great for me except for one problem. If I go an try to edit a partner, it tells me it can't find the image... I don't have this problem when adding a partner, just when I edit one thats already there.

Any ideas?

Re: XC Gallery


I TO am having this problem!!

Re: PD-Download Category Images?


otr222 wrote:
Do you see your image listed in the drop box?
(note this pic is from wf-downloads but they are pretty much the same)

Yup, and when I select it it shows up on the modify page... but it doesn't appear on the categories page...


Re: PD-Download Category Images?


otr222 wrote:

sorry, that was a typo on my half... I do have them there

I'll fix my post...

PD-Download Category Images?

Perhaps I'm dumb... but how do I get the category images that I assigned to each category to show up? I'm not even sure <i>where</i> its suppose to show up, but I added images to the \xoops\modules\PDdownloads\images\category directory and choose one for one of my categories... but I don't see it, or perhaps I don't know where its suppose to be?

Perhaps I'm dumb? :/

Re: Update to Registration Keys - UPDATED for 2.2... :-)

I'm trying to figure out how to mod RegKeys 2.0.1 to work correctly with XOOPS I first tried just running it following 2.0.1's install thinking that there weren't any major changes between XOOPS 2.0.11 and 2.0.13 but it turned out I must have been wrong because the admin section wouldn't work. I tracked down the problem of $type not being defined and found your mod in the forums. The changes in #3 allowed me to actually get into the RegKeys and setup some keys, which I have. But now when I try to register someone with that key, or any key for that matter, it tells me that

Fatal errorCall to a member function getVar() on a non-object in /home/httpd/html/spfas/xoops/register.php on line 145

and in the PHP debug info:

Notice [PHP]: Undefined variablenewuser in file register.php line 145

line 45 is:

$str_regkey $newuser->getVar('user_regkey');

So I'm thinking the problem is with defining "newuser" but I'm completely lost now.

I had to figure out how to make your changes in my version of XOOPS (pre "profile" module) and I think I figured the changes out right. But I'm not sure.

Any help would be welcomed!


Searching members from any page?

I've basically "hacked" the language files for the membership module to make it an employee search directory for my company's intranet and its setup so that our employees can search it to get someone's phone extension.

While this all works fine and dandy from within the membership module I'd like to be able to either have the system search box also search the membership database, or, if thats not possible, at least create a block with a simple search form in it that will work from all pages within our site.

It seems like it should be possible, but I really know very little PHP so I don't know how to do it.

Can anyone instruct me on how to do it or if its even possible?

Much thanks!

Displaying News Subcategory artricles in parent category

I can't find a hack or figure out how to resolve this. I'm using News 1.13

So I want to be able to see all the subcategory articles when a parent category is being viewed.

So if I have Categories "A" and "B"
and under "A" would be subcategories "1" and "2"

So when I'm just looking at Category "A" with no subcategories choosen, I would like to be able to see all articles that fall under "A", which would be all articles from subcategories "1" and "2".

Is this possible? It seems like a logical feature.

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