Re: Date selection form
  • 2009/3/4 5:02

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Thinking a little more on this.... Would it be possible to have user date choice >> admin date choice >> module default? Add in the ability for users to choose what fits them best? This would be very useful since many websites now have users from all over the world. It would allow users to see dates/times in a format that is comfortable to them. It sort of brings us back to the XOOPS is powered by you....

Re: ImageManager - Replacement - Long Post!...
  • 2009/3/4 4:42

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THAT is a great vision Catzwolf. Move the media manager into something that can grow with Xoops. But it also sounds like another several years of development.... :( What are the chances of us seeing this really necessary change in our lifetimes?

I also REALLY like the concept of leaving files as files when it really isn't necessary to add them to the database. This is one of the reasons I really like Dokuwiki over the other wiki solutions. Especially if this would allow mass uploads to a directory that are then easily accessible.

Re: Date selection form
  • 2009/3/4 4:31

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I actually plan on changing this in the future so the Web master can assign this globally via admin and will override all modules etc.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

This is one of the things that absolutely drives me nuts. I don't mind if every module did it differently as long as they all allowed it to be edited by the admin. Allowing admins to change the date format in one place and all modules then use that date format makes too much good sense.

Having different modules show different date types looks shoddy and absolutely unprofessional. This is a must-fix item.

Re: ImageManager - Replacement - Long Post!...
  • 2009/2/26 18:40

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It would be great if anyone could add an image or movie to a post and click on a check box to have it uploaded to the media repository rather than the forum/uploads.

It would be even better to have a preference option in CBB for admins to choose whether to use forum/uploads or the centralized media repository.

It would be super duper spiffy to add a module interface with rich permissions to add/delete/move/categorize/mark NSFW media files. I ask for a module rather than current admin interface so we can give moderators the ability to manage the media files easily from the regular menu structure without giving them access to the admin area. This would also give users a chance to re-use some of the media themselves rather than re-uploading for each message they want the media in.

It would be absolutely fantastico to add in avatar, smiley and rank image support with multi-file upload capability so all images on the site are managed in one place.

Re: CBB4 RC for Xoops 2.3x Testing Reviews
  • 2009/2/25 5:30

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I had the problem with posting on my local testing site, which I think also returned the "Array( )" problem when debuging the forum, and when I turned on the portal debuging I found that there was an SQL error, and that there was a column in the table that he couldn't find.
I think it was "poster_ip" in "xoops_bb_posts".
Then I noticed that the ip info for all posts when browsing the forum was
I renamed it and then it worked... I really don't know how that happened.

Confirmed for a 3.08 to 4.0 upgrade.

Changed "poster_ipd" to "poster_ip" and I could post again. This cleared up the array issue.

Re: ImageManager - Replacement - Long Post!...
  • 2009/2/23 17:45

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Any word on further development?

Having a core system to easily catalog and access all resource media for a site is essential -- images, movies, music, files and articles. We need to be able to use all of this stuff in news postings, forum postings, wiki posts, etc.

Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Re: Is xoops (.org) becoming a playground?
  • 2009/2/19 0:28

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Perhaps I'm in the minority but seeing anything new posted to the news lately is certainly better than the alternative -- deafening silence.

What's sad is there is definitely development happening. But it's invisible. There are recent commits to the next version of Xoops. And there are some really great modules in the works like the new Publisher module by Trabis and friends. Us users want to hear about what is underway. We want to get excited. We need to get excited to get involved.... Where's the news though?

I really like Xoops. It's the best CMS available IMNSHO. Please keep posting news no matter how insignificant. Us users want to see a pulse no matter how faint it may be.

Re: smartsection and item page title
  • 2008/11/10 20:32

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This should be easy to accomplish by editing the appropriate template.

1) Go to Tools > Templates and click the CLONE button on right to create a new set of templates. You cannot edit the default templates.

2) Find the appropriate template to edit. In your case, open the SmartSection and then look at each template to find the one you want to change.

3) Edit the code in your cloned template. It's probably a Smarty shortcut. And the line you want to delete probably includes:

Here's a larger snippet from one of the templates to show you what you are looking for in context:
th class="head" nowrap="nowrap"><{$block.lang_title}>th>
th class="head" nowrap="nowrap" align="left"><{$block.lang_category}>th>
th class="head" nowrap="nowrap" align="right" width="120"><{$block.lang_date}>th>

NOTE: If you make a mistake or want to revert back to the original, you can always DELETE and then GENERATE a cloned template.

4) Now to SEE your new template you need to tell XOOPS that you are not using the defaults. Open PREFERENCES -> SYSTEM -> GENERAL SETTINGS and change the DEFAULT TEMPLATE SET to the one you have cloned.

5) And because I always forget.... Turn on the CHECK TEMPLATES FOR MODIFICATIONS. Once you are done editing and everything is working you will want to turn this off again.


Re: Slim or fat - Where is competition going?
  • 2008/10/23 20:59

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This is an interesting thread. I'll just think out loud as well.... :)

Discerning the new from the old is a huge headache. And trying to do so retroactively is nigh impossible with a project like Xoops. I've seen some nice changes lately though that would be great to see made official and required.

Module logos. There was a discussion on changing the logo colors from yellow to blue. It's so simple but also amazingly effective! You KNOW that module works with the BLUE version of XOOPS (and possibly earlier versions which should be listed in a section on compatibility). We should change the logo color every major release.

Module and theme lists. Each new release there is a flurry of activity as people try to figure out compatibility. Can we require that modules/themes need to be re-released each major update if they want to be added to the compatible list? If something works with BLUE XOOPS and has its logo updated and code checked by the module dev, it gets re-released and added to the BLUE list. Even if nothing was added/changed, this lets users know that it should be compatible.

Over time, lists would be compiled so that users of legacy versions of XOOPS would know what works on their install.

This approach has the nice side effect of letting people know which modules have been abandoned.... One of the biggest hassles for users of XOOPS is trying to figure out whether a module is still being maintained or not. Module developers could also see what modules need to be adopted to continue development.

Starting fresh.I see some projects create a whole new forum section, news section, download section, etc with new releases. This works well since users KNOW that stuff in the most recent branch of the forums is applicable to the current version. But it also fragments the development process and old topics keep reopening as new people reinvent the wheel. You lose historical perspective when you start fresh with each new version.

I'd like to extend a big thank you to the site maintainers. They have a thankless job trying to organize literally mountains of information. While us users can filter most content based on date to determine relevance, there is a lot that is still useful that is years old -- fixing white pages, embedding html in a XOOPS site, creating custom blocks, etc....

Re: Status of Yogurt Module?
  • 2008/10/19 7:10

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Ahhhh, missed that announcement. Thank you.

Would still be nice to have it working in the interim. But as long as it's not abandoned I'm happy. :)

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