Re: Modules working with Xoops 2.2
  • 2005/8/9 0:04

  • rider

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2003/6/18

I've been testing XOOPS 2.2.0 on my machine at home and confirm the following modules seem to work fine:

MyAlbum-P 2.84
piCal (latest)

Modules I have issues with are:

WFSections - Won't properly post. You need to create a new document with text that doesn't use XOOPS code then save. After which you are then able to use the DHTML editor properly.

CatAds - 1.4 will not create categories instead it just brings up a blank page and 1.23 will not post ads it just errors.

XFGuestbook - Errors when posting

Modules I haven't tried yet:

Darryn Lowe
Rider NZ...

Podcasting via XOOPS
  • 2005/8/2 2:54

  • rider

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2003/6/18

Can anyone tell me how I could go about setting up a PodCast via XOOPS?

It will need to be fed via RSS.
Darryn Lowe
Rider NZ...

Re: Multi-User Blog
  • 2005/5/19 0:10

  • rider

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2003/6/18

Display realname in template
  • 2005/4/27 23:39

  • rider

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2003/6/18

Can someone tell me the code for displaying the Real Name of a user in a template?

If I use <{$user.name}> I get the login but I want the Real Name to display, or fall back on the login if real name not available.

I'm trying to do a "Welcome XXX" type thing just to make the site a little more personal. I've got the Avatar displaying okay.

Better yet, is there a list of every code that XOOPS uses so that you can play around?

Thanks people.

Re: Mac User & wysiwyg editor in Tiny content.
  • 2005/3/10 4:48

  • rider

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2003/6/18


Peekay wrote:
@rider. Is that the Spaw XOOPS module downloadable from the WF-Sections website that works on the Mac? Do all the features work, tables and everything?
I think I got it from the NewBB site not the WF-Sections. I can't remember if I managed to get it running from WF-Sections. But it works well on NewBB.

Tables seem to work but I guess it's a matter of what you want the tables to do.

Re: Mac User & wysiwyg editor in Tiny content.
  • 2005/3/9 23:18

  • rider

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2003/6/18

The latest version of SPAW definately works in Firefox and it definately works on the Mac with Firefox. I'm running it on my test machine which is running MacOS X.3.8 (Panther).

I can't get Koivi working, has anyone got a really great tip for doing so? It's listed in NewBB but it doesn't seem to work.

Re: Mac User & wysiwyg editor in Tiny content.
  • 2005/2/27 22:24

  • rider

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2003/6/18

Hi, I think the problem is more to do with the editor than with Java as FireFox picks up the Java engine from the OS.

I've noticed that the graphical editors such as TinyMCE, HTMLArea, and SPAW will not work in Safari due to it being based on the Konqueror engine.

However they should all work in FireFox on the Mac. It maybe that the setup in Tiny Editor isn't quite right for FireFox to work properly.

Re: NewBB 2.0 Final release
  • 2004/12/8 1:05

  • rider

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bjbtexas wrote:

It is???

Nope not quite.

It should be:


Re:snx_weather... legal?
  • 2004/11/8 21:53

  • rider

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  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2003/6/18

The best thing about Snx-weather was the fact that it has detailed information for every country in the world.

The problem with the local stuff is that it is just that. It has no detail on any place other than the country you're in.

Frankly I feel charging for something that can be obtained free sucks hole.

Mind you, how often is a weather forecast correct?

Still, I'm gonna take a hardline and continue using the Snx-Weather module. If I get in trouble then that's something I'll deal with then.

Does anyone know of a site as detailed as Weather.com that is free and available to everyone?

Re:ms-weather module city codes
  • 2004/10/26 1:13

  • rider

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 56

  • Since: 2003/6/18

Download the SnX-Weather module.

In the admin section there is a list box that is a little easier to use than the MS-Weather one.

Now go to Weather.com and find the country you want.

Highlight the towns/cities you want and do a copy.

If you have excel paste into Excel, works best if you're using Excel 2003.

This will create seperate cells for each location.

Now edit the hyperlink and copy the city code then paste into the cell beside the name.

When you're done export as a comma-separated file then open that file in a text editor.

You should see the city then a comma then the city code.

Select all and then go to the admin page for SnX-Weather and paste into the box.

Works sweet on my site: rider.net.nz

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