Re: Youth football club website
  • 2006/6/24 21:56

  • Goober

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30

Fine job! Looks great in IE and FF!
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: MyLatinSoulmate - Site updates
  • 2006/6/21 19:31

  • Goober

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30

Looks great! Well done!
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: [design] Which site
  • 2006/6/21 7:47

  • Goober

  • Not too shy to talk

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  • Since: 2003/3/30


patagon wrote:
Hi Goober,

Is the site that appears on your homepage (gooberhead.net) xoops? if not, what is it?

nice site BTW

Thanks Patagon!

Um, nope - not XOOPS anymore. I moved over to Joomla. I'm still a big fan of Xoops, however for my purposes - I found that Joomla was a better fit.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: Hiring for a project
  • 2006/3/20 17:44

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30

It all depends. But what I need I have a ceiling on what I'll spend.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Hiring for a project
  • 2006/3/20 3:10

  • Goober

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30


I'm in need of someone to make a module in Xoops. This will be a paid gig.

If interested - please email me at gooberhead@gooberhead.net for details.

Serious inquiries only. I will be wanting to look at some of your previous code.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: News Module question
  • 2006/1/26 10:38

  • Goober

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  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30

Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: Opinion on new theme
  • 2006/1/26 1:03

  • Goober

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  • Since: 2003/3/30

I LIKE it! Nice job!

I think i would change the inner blues a shade or two darker... but that's just me.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: XHTML & CSS [designing without tables]
  • 2006/1/15 0:38

  • Goober

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  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30

Have you checked out the webstats of your website lately?

Every day. Wouldn't of made the statement unless I had stats to base it on.

From my point of view, I don't care if "Bill and the boys" are worried or not. I care more about the users that visit my sites.

Exactly! Since around 80% of the users that visit my site are IE, sorry FF. It doesn't mean I ignore FF however....

What I've learned so far is to look in to Firefox first then IE.

I'm just the opposite as the reasons stated above.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: [design] Which site
  • 2006/1/14 23:18

  • Goober

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  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30

I knew this would draw fire

(BTW: just looking at the way this guy page is layed out should have been able for you to realize that what's in his article couldn't be serious)

Resized Image

I always jump in and toss another view in when these things pop up (like the joomla discussion -graphical, etc).

Is CSS a great tool, yip. Does it mean you're going to get a higher search engine placement being all compliant? Nope. It's a myth.

Don't believe every single stupid article you read on the web.

Thanks and ya know what? I don't. Nor do I believe in the magical and mystical claims that firefox it overtaking IE. Has it gained some shares, yah. Has it gain enough to make Bill and the boys worried. No. I would love nothing more to see FF pull it off but until or if that day happens I show in IE first, make it look ok in FF second.

Again, this is just me being "the other view". If I wasn't a fan of XOOPS and very interested in how and what direction it was taking then all these models would be on Joomla instead of using Xoops.
Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

Re: [design] Which site
  • 2006/1/14 20:56

  • Goober

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 101

  • Since: 2003/3/30

This is going to draw a lot of fire ....

Mystical belief in the power of Web Standards, Usability, and tableless CSS.Resized Image

There is nothing wrong with any of the above except they're being touted by...guess who?...people who offer web design services specializing in...guess what?...Web Standards, Usability, and tableless CSS. These are simply tools. Remember, nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house ("Please tell me what brand of hammers you used!"). People get excited about how the house looks and performs.

Dispelling the Mystical belief of Web Standards and tableless CSS.
Nobody gets excited about the tools used to build a house, people get excited about how the house looks and performs

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