Re: x-osCommerce 0.73 blank screens
  • 2009/1/21 21:26

  • nsluzewski

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2008/12/22

As soon as I enabled debugging, I am receiving the following on first attempt to open portal home page after activating the xosC module:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function tep_db_query() in /home/vaultit/public_html/my/go/htdocs/modules/osC/blocks/shopping_cart.php on line 8
All errors (2) queries (38) blocks (13) extra (0) timers (4)
Notice: Constant BOX_HEADING_CATEGORIES already defined in file /modules/osC/language/english/blocks.php line 7
Notice: Use of undefined constant TABLE_LANGUAGES - assumed 'TABLE_LANGUAGES' in file /modules/osC/blocks/shopping_cart.php line 7

Line 8 of shopping-cart.php is:


and its a part of the following if-then-else construct:

if(!isset($_SESSION['languages_id'])) {
$lang_query="select languages_id from ".TABLE_LANGUAGES." where directory ='".$xoopsConfig['language']."'";
}else {

x-osCommerce 0.73 blank screens
  • 2009/1/21 4:42

  • nsluzewski

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2008/12/22

After setting up the basic features (store, products, etc.) pages associated with the osc application load as blank pages. When the xoc module is enabled, this same blank page behavior sometimes affects other installed module pages and I have on occasion totally lost access to my site. When the module is disabled in admin, everything returns to normal with all module pages displaying correctly. I have noticed (through trial and error) that clearing the local PC cache, cookies, saved passwords sometimes (but not always) restores access to some pages (but not always and not always all).

Is this a known issue or might I have done something wrong during the install. I am running on XOOPS 2.3.2b, PHP 5.2.8. I have come across the same behavior with an older x-osc version and have reinstalled several times.

I'm stuck in a big way.

Re: Lost admin access and control after deactivating Profiles module
  • 2009/1/10 23:13

  • nsluzewski

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2008/12/22

Thank you. That did the trick. Appreciate the help.

Lost admin access and control after deactivating Profiles module
  • 2009/1/9 20:33

  • nsluzewski

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  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2008/12/22

In an attempt to re-arrange some features of the site, I de-activated the Profiles module. Now I am not able to access the Administration Menu. Logging in with any of the admin (webmaster) accounts, while accepting the login, returns me back to the anonymous users page (login), and registered users count stays at zero. Trying to run /admin.php returns "you don't have rights..."

Can anyone advise how to restore the Profiles module and regain access to the site? Unfortunatly, backup of my site is a few days old.

Re: Is CAPTCHA not included in 2.3.2b package?
  • 2009/1/8 14:15

  • nsluzewski

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  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2008/12/22

Problem Solved ! It turned out that the hosted server did not have the GD2 libraries installed. After their installation, captacha is now "purring like a kitten." Thanks all for your assistance.

Re: Is CAPTCHA not included in 2.3.2b package?
  • 2009/1/8 1:11

  • nsluzewski

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  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2008/12/22

Site is running on a Linux hosted server.

I ran the code and result produced listing which did not include any such libraries. I have requested the hosting provider to install these. Will verify after they've done the install.

Re: Is CAPTCHA not included in 2.3.2b package?
  • 2009/1/7 21:40

  • nsluzewski

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2008/12/22

I have the "User Profiles" module installed and enabled, as originally installed with the 2.3.2b version. I tried disabling and re-enabling the module, with no results - still no captcha image showing on the user registration page. Given that this was a native 2.3.2b install (not upgrade) I guess the existence of the securityimage directories is irrelevant.

Can anyone else shed any additional light on what might be going on here? How can I verify whether I have one of the "required graphical php libraries as GD2" installed, per "ghia's" comment in a prior post below?

Re: Modifying email template content
  • 2009/1/7 17:58

  • nsluzewski

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2008/12/22

Thank you for the assistance.

Re: Modifying email template content
  • 2009/1/7 16:25

  • nsluzewski

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2008/12/22

Thank you. I found it and successfully made my edits using an editor.

Are these templates only modifiable exteranally with an editor, or is there a utility within XOOPS to edit these within the portal?

Re: Is CAPTCHA not included in 2.3.2b package?
  • 2009/1/7 16:06

  • nsluzewski

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2008/12/22

In fact, there was no /uploads/securityimage/ directory on my system. Apparently was not created with the standard install. I since created it, as well as an /uploads/securityimage/cache/ directory below that. Both set to be writable. This did not fix the problem. When I browse to /class/captcha/image/scripts/image.php, blank screen is presented.

Please explain "graphical php libraries as GD2". Not sure how to verify this.

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