Re: Some explanations of XOOPS development in the coming months
  • 2007/10/21 3:58

  • alitan

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  • Since: 2004/3/14

Great news Phppp! I am really that you made it clear, and completely understand your reasoning for this. I am sorry if I said things against the idea previously, but those comments were only made due to the fact that you had not clearly discussed this to public. Now that you have, I completely support it!
I hope that this will come true, as opposed to previous promises about Xoopsphere which clearly were just promises...
Again, Great Idea, Great Effort and Great Work!
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: Is there a roadmap for the next XOOPS version?
  • 2007/10/12 5:30

  • alitan

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  • Posts: 399

  • Since: 2004/3/14

For that I think you need to ask the Unknown Thrid-party Chinese programming company...
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: XoopsProject.org ... Now What?
  • 2007/10/12 0:45

  • alitan

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  • Posts: 399

  • Since: 2004/3/14

Xoops Council probably bought them to show foundation how they are worthless...
Feel super bad for these people... XOOPS Council I define both you and the Foundation, people hungry for power... we're lucky you guys are not leading the world, otherwise we would have had WW III or WW IV already.
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: Is XOOPS for me and does it have a future?
  • 2007/10/11 7:36

  • alitan

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  • Since: 2004/3/14

Sorry, you might find a better solution to your CMS needs somewhere else, these people are all eager to power, and probably XOOPS will not that of a future... seek for a CMS that will have a future... or stick with unchangable XOOPS forever... Chances are, the issues would not be resolved... as they haven't for about 2-3 years...
P.S.--> Joomla has great options... might wanna consider it when choosing a new CMS
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: plagiarism
  • 2007/10/8 5:38

  • alitan

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  • Since: 2004/3/14

Hehehehe, Welcome to the world of NEW XOOPS---> The Extensible Object Oriented Pirate System....
This is a shame... Start making new and UNIQUE templates rather than stealing them from someone else...
IT's like going to http://www.msn.com and seeing the YAHOO! Template with a MICROSOFT MSN logo on top of that...
A website should be unique... otherwise there is no point for having a website... there are tons out there already...
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: Call for a community action on Xoops Project Council
  • 2007/7/4 16:19

  • alitan

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  • Posts: 399

  • Since: 2004/3/14

When there is flame wars instead of production, what is a point of a leader. again a leader is efficient when other people obey him. IF there is need to ahve leaders, then we need to install a voting system and vote. and of couse obey the will of the majority.
how about we do that instead of these talks?
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: Call for a community action on Xoops Project Council
  • 2007/7/4 16:05

  • alitan

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  • Posts: 399

  • Since: 2004/3/14

No, I want to end this war now. NO need to create another.
What I say, is that we don't need leaders.
We've had them , it's not going to work, not for an opensource project. I mean, a leader is efficient when people obey him/her. But when it is an opensource/ not commerical project, when a member has no obligations over what the leader says, what can a leader do? tell me! I bet you can't, because there are none options.
I have said this already, there is no need to have a leader, perhaps an organizer, that's it, whoever wishes to contribute contributes, other's they simply don't.
Remember, XOOPS is not an organization, if it was we wouldn't have this type of problems. There were some attempts, but again, it doesn't work. Honestly, would you rather work yourself or have a person above you commanding, and making you work for nothing? If you choose to help out in Xoops.org it is your choice, not that of the leaders. They simply are physically and financially independant from you, they have NO CONTROL over you. THEY ARE NOT YOU BOSS, so if they ahve no function over other people, what is the point of they being leaders? I'm sure it's better have someone to help in organization, but not to lead or to boss around. Remember, XOOPS is not like military.
We better off not have a leader than have one. But we need and organizer!
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: Call for a community action on Xoops Project Council
  • 2007/7/4 15:55

  • alitan

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 399

  • Since: 2004/3/14

GOD, this is just a project!
Who cares who leads it? I mean comeon, you or phppp, to me are no different
instead of these type of talks please focus and ahve some improvement.
I understand that there might be difficult situations, but come on, I think we should forget about all these leader/manager stuff.
Just have some people to organazie the website, and those who wish to join, they can. NO leadership needed.
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: Call for a community action on Xoops Project Council
  • 2007/7/4 15:39

  • alitan

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 399

  • Since: 2004/3/14

Take this type of leadership Bull #OOPS# away please. I think we need to take Chill pills, calm down and forget about all these "I am the leader", "I am the member", "I am the Moderator", "I am the Council", "I am the head of the rebelion" stuff now.
This is getting stupid and pointless, just as I said, have someone to be the webmaster, and others who want to join, join, people who want to contribute contribute and others who want to leave, leave. DONE, END OF STORY!
My Persian Xoops Project:

Re: Madfish - Documentation and Promotion - member
  • 2007/7/1 3:40

  • alitan

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 399

  • Since: 2004/3/14

To the future documention/Promotion leader:
I am capable of making you tube video toturials for XOOPS installation, management and etc.
I also can make graphics and banners for promotion team.
If you need my help, contact me ASAP...
My Persian Xoops Project:

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