Hosting services with local xoops talent.
  • 2006/12/15 16:18

  • anemic

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 36

  • Since: 2006/12/6


I'm relatively new to XOOPS and have spent about one month developing components for a new site. Our site will have clients posting pictures and video streams. We anticipate using a lot of bandwidth and rapid growth. I'm looking for a site with reasonable charges for bandwidth and disk. But also local XOOPS talent. I'd appreciate recommendations on who provides good XOOPS support.

TIA, anemic

Re: Hosting services with local xoops talent.
  • 2006/12/15 17:06

  • wizanda

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1585

  • Since: 2004/3/21

Xoops Support is on here, yet Surpass do say they are Xoops...yet me not so sure....
Servage offers a lot of bandwidth and space....plus if you use the link from our site, we get even more space, as do you for using our link coupon...

Re: Hosting services with local xoops talent.
  • 2006/12/15 18:20

  • Lance_

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 983

  • Since: 2004/1/12

We can do, see GDL-Web below. Packages are always modifiable.

GDL-Web.com :: Website development.
Xoopslance.com::Freelancing and Projects
thelionsden-arena.net:: Clan/League/Ladder Hosting

Re: Hosting services with local xoops talent.
  • 2006/12/15 20:02

  • zeroram

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 326

  • Since: 2004/6/30

i had a client site on Surpass using XOOPS (give them a try just because of the Web Space and Bandwidth),

REALLY BAD experience...

-got suspended for reaching server load to 10

-Account managment site is terrible (the login part, you have the right username and pass and sometime wont work)

-lack of real live support ( you need to re-register on their forum.. and usually other member will asnwer or try to answer your problem, instead of a real person. wich is usually the same one "Kayla"

- some modules wont behave like they will on other hosts. ( you will get lots of Fatal Errors, PHP errors and sometime Internal Server Errors)

- CHMOD you have to go to your CPANEL to do manually, cannot be done from FTP

- The worst part is E-MAIL, their shared account get blacklisted too often , so you get email returned for been a spammer, some email get lost.. never arrive etc..etc..

few more details usually i dont get on other hosts.

Re: Hosting services with local xoops talent.
  • 2006/12/15 23:51

  • m0nty

  • XOOPS is my life!

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i can honestly say i have never had a problem with surpass whatsoever.

and as for XOOPS on surpass servers, never a problem like you mention..

and i have experience of surpass with both shared hosting and a dedicated server..

i haven't found a module yet that doesn't work on surpass servers.. apart from when the module required globals to be enabled and also required fopen to be on.

but as default globals & fopen are enabled on surpass.. i disabled them with a php.ini file.. are you 100% sure that the problems you had with modules on surpass were to do with surpass server settings? because i know lots of people on surpass using XOOPS sites without a single problem. the problems that have been on surpass with XOOPS was 99% of the time due to user mistakes and not surpass servers..

chmod can also be done with FTP on surpass.. the only thing you can't change with ftp on surpass is the owner attribute.. and i'm afraid there are hundreds of other hosts that do the same. it's a pretty common setup.. so that's not something you can blame surpass for.. it is an actual security measure!!

Re: Hosting services with local xoops talent.
  • 2006/12/19 1:37

  • anemic

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 36

  • Since: 2006/12/6


PlanetXoops looks nice. Does anyone have experience with them?



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