I know the code for the cron job
mysql -u username_database -ppass database_name < file.sql
I know and have the javascript for the counter, but my counter will reset each time you refresh your brouser.
this i dont like and have yet to find the solution.
I was told that there are other ways to do the timed site reset's, other then a cron job, and this was what i was asking for.
You can see
HERE the problem with the counter.
The site main intent is for Other Xoopsters to try out new themes and the modules to gain the look and feel without the risk of killing their site. sence most of it will be preloaded, all they have to do is point and click, along with adding the content.
after 120 min or 2 hours, the site will refresh as it has for the past week.
As Bender posted the link to the other demo site, and for this im greatfull, but it still sheds minamal light on a alt to a cron job, or the counter problem.
The counter scripts are almost the same, but the changes he had done to his script are already apart of mine.