Any one with working Zen Cart?
  • 2006/5/17 12:58

  • Quest

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1034

  • Since: 2005/11/19

I am using XOOPS 2.13.2 and recently installed the updated module for XOOPS ZenCart Integration.
I have it installed and everything is now integrated nicely with the theme (on the shop side). But on the XOOPS Start Page etc I can only seem to get one block to show up from the Zen Cart Blocks of the XOOPS block admin.

I have got to be doing something wrong but I'll be d a m n e d if I can figure it out.
I have permissions and accesses set correctly. I have tried buildcache several different ways. Still, all I can do is select only one block (my choice) from the available choices and get it to show up on my XOOPS start page. So then I thought well maybe I can put the XOOPS Main Menu set to show up on the shop page. NOPE! Big Fat NOPE! What am I not doing or am I doing wrong???

Could someone who has this module working please give me some help!

How do I put on my XOOPS start page/top page- A Specials Block, New Products Block and maybe a Discounted Block for example?

Can I add a regular XOOPS block to the Shop? I have tried. I.E. Made the Main Menu visible on the shop page in the blocks admin but no luck!

Very frustrating! Great module but I guess I am just to plain stupid to figure out just how it all is suppose to work. I have searched and searched for an answer and can't find anything clearly showing/telling how it is done.

I have to get this resolved. Thanks for your time.


Re: Any one with working Zen Cart?
  • 2006/5/17 14:15

  • CryAngel

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2005/4/12

I have similar problem about week ago.. I think I will write instruction little later, but now for you this quick tour.
1. Install Zen Cart. (: You know it's important to force it working. (:
2. Go to modules\shop\xoops_version.php and edit it.
3. Find 158 line. From 158 to 164 line you see your block specification. Just add something like this:

$modversion['blocks'][2]['file'] = "blocks.php";
$modversion['blocks'][2]['name'] = "Zen Cart Categories";
$modversion['blocks'][2]['description'] = "Zen Cart Categories";
$modversion['blocks'][2]['show_func'] = "b_shop_blocks";
$modversion['blocks'][2]['edit_func'] = 'b_shop_blocks_edit';
$modversion['blocks'][2]['template'] = 'shop_standard.html';
$modversion['blocks'][2]['options'] = "categories";

4. Go to Admin section->modules->Shop and click Update Icon.
5. Go to Blocks module - you see already 2 blocks!!!! (:
6. Make changes as you want.
7. Go to Zen Cart Administration and login.
7. Make Rebuild Cache.

All works! ((:

If you need one more module - just repeat all.. (:

Re: Any one with working Zen Cart?
  • 2006/5/17 15:21

  • Quest

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1034

  • Since: 2005/11/19

I must've missed that instruction somewhere along the way.

Thank you cryangel, so very much. I will give it a try.
I didn't know I had to mess with the XOOPS version.php to make it happen. Many Many Many thanks again.



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