Our company has discovered what may seem to very serious problems with XOOPS - these may or may not be core related.
A - Group Block Assignment:
First of all the group scheme is very confusing and is not adequate. The rational is that group blocks should be independent of other group blocks. I have found this to not be the case. Once you have created a group, that new group and the defualt group (Registered) are always linked with one another. For instance, you have just created a new group named Student:
- if you assigned a block to a Registered group, you have also assigned it to the Student group.
- if you have removed a block from Registered group, you have also removed it from the Webmaster and Student groups.
- If you remove Main Menu from the registered group, you have also removed from it from Registered group.
- If you change the block order (0,1,2,3) of the Main Menu block in the Registered group , you have also altered the Webmaster's block order.
The Registered group is the default and the first level. All subsequent groups must include the Registered group. This does not seem logical if you were to ask the average person. If you are the Webmaster group, you are not associated with Regestered but all other groups must include the Resgistered group. This could rack havoc with any sensible thinking person.
B - Notifications:
If you read the last post of a series of 10 post which the other 9 have not been read, you set the notification flag for that thread to "all read."
To fix this would seemingly be simple - but it will degrade the performance of the entire forum significantly.
I would like to be wrong on both counts -