We were using tinycontent to make about us style pages a few months back, but have now moved gone for a different method.
Anyway, with tinycontent, you could create the pages using HTML, now I know you are not really supposed to use HTML to choose fonts now we have .css files, but with tiny content we found that the easiest way for us to dictate the font, especially if we wanted different fonts on one page was to write page in HTML using font tags.
This way the font we wanted for a title or subject header could be dictated on a page by page basis.
It obviously has downsides, messing with fonts can take a while to get one that looks right, and as with most things in web design, one browser might deal with the fonts differently to another.
The final big downside is that the content is pretty much static from that point on, should you decide on a new look for the site, a new font etc, you have to edit each page that calls a HTML font seperately - which can be time consuming if you have many different pages.
Just a thought, might work if the module does not have its own style sheet.