On the system each user has a "USER FORM" for the systems admin it's located here.
http://www.mysite.com/modules/system/admin.php?fct=usersI do not use the "AIM" and the "YIM" so I wanted to change them to "Hotmail" and "Skype" I have changed the WORDS that appare as you look at it but when I try and enter an email Hotmail address id dose NOT retain this, nore the skype ID,
Q: What do I need to do to have the data base retain this info like all the other fields. (see code below)
$aim_text = new XoopsFormText(Hotmail, "user_Hotmail", 30, 30, $hotmail_value);
$yim_text = new XoopsFormText(SkypeID, "user_SkypeID", 30, 30, $skypeid_value);