Setting Permissions on windows 2003 server
  • 2005/3/30 8:58

  • bradburn

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 105

  • Since: 2005/1/26

I have already posted a question regarding this with no response - so apologies for the re-post;

I am having problems using certain modules that apparently need their permissions set to 777 using CHMOD - which I thought was just for UNIX (I am running on a windows 2003 server with IIAS 6 which has php4.3.8 and MySQL installled). I have no idea how to get in to CHMOD to change all the permissions to 777. I dont know how to get in to chmod or phpmyadmin as someone else installed them on the server for me,
What do I need to do (and which folder might the certain application be in)?
Cheers for any response,


Re: Setting Permissions on windows 2003 server

Chmod 0777 permissions on Window Server could be as simple as clearing the readonly attribute of a file or folder. Or it may not be that easy due to NTFS permissions.

But generally just clear the readonly attribute.

Re: Setting Permissions on windows 2003 server
  • 2005/3/30 10:27

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2206

  • Since: 2003/4/10

The file system permissions in Windows are actually more powerful than Unix permissions, but they still work in a similar way. Using Windows Explorer, here is what you'll need to do to get the permissions set in a nutshell;

- Right click your XOOPS root directory, goto properties and select security tab. Add the IUSR_ user account (where is you servers actual NetBIOS name) at set the read NTFS permissions for this account.

- Navigate inside your XOOPS root directory and select the Cache, uploads and template_c directories, right click goto properties and select security tab. Here select the IUSR_ account and select the NTFS modify permission and click OK.

- Install Xoops

- Make sure you delete the install folder and set mainfile.php to read only (right click, goto properties and select read only tick box).

Re: Setting Permissions on windows 2003 server
  • 2005/3/30 11:13

  • bradburn

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 105

  • Since: 2005/1/26

Hi Brash,

cheers for detailed response,

Xoops is already installed on the server - will this matter?
I have tried doing this remotely using my machine or do I need to be actually on the server?

When selecting the permissions for IUSR for the 3 folders I am unable to find the NTFS modify permission - so I just checked all the avaiable permission to allow.

This didnt seem to do anything, do I need to restart it using IIAS?

Sorry for being an absolute noob and I appreciate all your help,

Rob B

Re: Setting Permissions on windows 2003 server
  • 2005/3/30 11:42

  • bradburn

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 105

  • Since: 2005/1/26

Hey Brash,

Forget that! I just updated my modules and it worked like a dream - you are a genius - thanks so much for you excellent help.

Rob B

Re: Setting Permissions on windows 2003 server
  • 2005/3/30 11:48

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2206

  • Since: 2003/4/10

No worries

Re: Setting Permissions on windows 2003 server

Here is a new one for you - I switched my domain on our company network from is to corp. I installed XOOPS as a departmental intranet, however when I am in the is domain I can do all the admin stuff, but when I am in the corp domain, nothing works It tells me that I do not have permissions to tha area, does anyone know where it is identifying my domain so I can troubleshoot.


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