Quote:Shine wrote:
- There isn't an admin intervention feature setting considering submitted edito's. Everyuser can push the submit and create one. It will be published straight away. I think there should a possibility to keep it on hold and the edito won't be published until the admin says it's ok.
Same thing when the users edits his/hers edito.
Solo answered:
I was thinking about setting the default "online" to off, and let the admins set them "on". But I prefer to let this option to be managed by users, so they could decide wether they want their page public or for their own use only.
In the same idea, I think that the purpose of this module is to let user manage freely their content. Considering that admins have the possibility to moderate editos. A little bit like forums or comments.
In the other hand, as soon as I'll solve the "group access rights" issue the webmaster could give edition right to a specified group.
I'd prefer an admin intervention during creating an edito by the user. This way you prevent userabuse. This admin intervention isn't meant to edit or manipulate the user's edito, but simply to keep an admin eye on it. Actually it is the same feature setting which is possible within the -latest- newbb forum. You can write a posting but it won't be published until the moderators or admin give their approval. Offcourse the admin will be able to edit the users edito, but that isn't the main thought of this setting.
Users manage their edito's to be on-/offline.......is oke. Default setting offline,....hm,....leave it as is. Online.
Quote:Shine wrote:
|- Next to admin setting who can view usersedito, the user him/herself can say if his edito can be accesed by other anonymous uesers (none registered users). I.e.: if the user feels his useredito may be viewed by anonymous users it should be possible.
In someway the user himself overrules the basic admin view setting.
Solo answered:
Hmm... personnaly I think only the webmaster (module admin) must decide which group can see the module content. The only decision for the editor is to decide wether it is published or kept private for his own purpose.
See above.........user decides public or not despite admin setting which groups can view edito's. We think and want the same
Other admin settings lacks:
- preferences:
Order-> by author (username). Show standard on main edito Index the list of usernames (which are authors) who have an edito('s). The recently added edito's can be shown by activating a block...or the way mydownloads/links handles on the index.....latest listings amount show beneath the categories/authorlist.
-> how many authors shown on indexlisting. 1,2,3.....5 setting option.
->admin section: overview edito's:
overview edito's(listing) again by username/author. Now you don't have any clue what editor belongs to which person.
Within the userseditor reading,....if they are alowed to make than 1 edito it would be handy to show a link to the user other own edito's (if they made it public).
Like surfing within the author edito's.
To test and see the blocks I need to reinstall my XOOPS testpage (still running the buggie 209 version...oeh me lazy person....
). Will do this a.s.a.p. and let ya know.
Grtz., Shine